Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1936, p. 56

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The players ,wilbe housed' in frateri usat the Caldwell cistant ity nity bouses: at the university. noise, be rushed into the lobb,ýy,' and Fncerasasoclated wtth Louis, St. in avenue,. in considerable nunibers Sherman 1502 at seed'comipan3 1417 C.,>Leachý there found David Competitio n will conisist. of, 36 holes as in Chicago. Ecvanston, whére lie maltes bis bead-!.s1e1 Forest avenuîe, past commandder of quartera. As an' insect of destruction the qualifying round, after wbich thelo. WIîhnettePost No. 46 at.d as Japanese .beetie is liard to beat.. The 32.* players. will compete in. match manager of the Unionle.laguieeclub, and, play for the individuial> championsliip. beetle' itself will eat anytbing- that plant famnily Chicago, kicking the .office door. AAEEBEL the .of' everything our ini Not The team championship .will.be.ded:. ead Atltitbsarrive jpounding on the window -counti kinds all relisiies termiîned by the four low'scorers' of not is- green. > It also hav-ý ôtherwise. endeavoring to arouse OWn yards but in coMmunities beetles, 300 as a school In the qualifying round. inany as In 1934 a few Japanese of fruits, To someone with auathority lo. pas,;s over far remnoved. found apple... one or found. been ing in and in Chicago bis ýbonue. That is hovw it 'camne about tb-eetles; Were, ake matters. worse , elrasae 0a cnidr found numnber the Chuck 'Kocis of' Michigan,. low 1935, SWili first that Mir. Leach was tlie îe in -the Mt directors or thegu! pns the now And greater.' Heably amateur Iný the recent ]National Open mnette to receive the bonus. co nsuniingr grass and 'other comnsoit Illinois of State the for agriculture niatter, in and twice %vixiner of the Big Ten -plantied. it that way,, and don t you of the infestation of sufficient roots- and anyý vegetable considersinfestation championship, iwill lead' the WVolver-, heavy a let anyone tell you (ltfferenitlr.' magnitude -to warrant the.. establish- the soil. *Thus,. a in plants mnes in. quest of their third consecudenude-.ail ti v e ýnational. intercollegiate titie. tuent. of, quarratine',areas looking to cala completely short 'surprisingly a i.i area given the of prevention the control and insect., timie. -This insect is So destructive Johnny FisherL former Walkcer- cup splraigof ýthis don't want. it on the player, is, the only player missing irev areas, four ini 1the south side that we surely ful cooperation from M\ichigan'É 1935 championship BOUIEWIVS-Manter Ant.1 Kiler ofChicago and one on the west side North Shore and .State Departmnent team. the b given 24 li be anis of should ilutue ra"u yuur described and placed under1 the quarlaun.y tiack guara nte.. old atiu etur hae been observîngini A-ýgricuilture of LouisùiaaState lk4 by Ereddy the, of . quaratine. The, regltxitons egù1ultn. Haas, 1935 finalist, and Paul Lesie, qurra.tine are in. part as follovs: lanine Enemy' Beautiful' 1936 Southern Intercollegiate chamn"No nlursery. ornianental, or green-1 littie1 beautiful a is beette The pion, is expected to offer the strongouse stock, or otherÉ plants, plant 171 ranges est opposition to Michigan's titie asand shape in oval is It enemy. coin-* peat. earth, 'soil, sand. roots, or to seven pirations. The southern team holds post, or inanure shall be transported ilZsi1e011o1 five sixteeniths nd the only victory over Michigan in ninh!nlxrt o nh ýitj infested said fromn in any inanner fourth one to sixteenths nieet conmpetition this year. areas to any point outside thereoi froin thrée is bright dual either to or through any other part ilichiin width. The color Host of Stars Ietallic zreen. exce.pt the greater s ot the City. of Chicago. or of thé n whlichi are, There will be- a host of' other stars State of Illinois, tuiles-, a special per-, part of the -wings covers. rowii. The utider surface who, will ,be in quest of the titie won luit shall have been issued theretore cobr %vith short.: gra-,ih hairs. Iast year bv Ed White of the Unicovered oi the llnos~ State Departuxent liv. rs wvhit e grubl but are mucn strller. U2'ou emerging froni the egg th erub is one sixteenth of an inch long and grows to one inch in length at inatturity. t can aiso be distinguishied froin the commion white .grub frec'uently found in lawn souls because the latter has a double row of more or les.; conspicuous spines along the *middle of the under side of the ast segmient. of the body. I l'u* Ca ti.i,.' contextder. Hank of Gandy, à member of. teani Oklahoma the University that wvon second place a year ago, will return. W~hen the collegians tee off ýat North Shore they wihl fnd a course %orthy of the test as the profes sionals and. amateurs who fought its 65 yawning traps and narow fairways in 1933 wilh r.eadily testify. The layout measures 6,927 yards, an average of 384 yards~ per hole. Par for camp, k to vacaiol mich.. nistee, carry kisd. bardestover ofthe

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