the entire total of Western 1,-pring, nden, $58.175, reports Melvin :N,. and construction of three new homes for $17,500 in Joliet is méntioned'by H- C. Todd. building inspector. the Joliet total being $54,674. I.,ae IAutboria.d A-PUU* m k97 Umt 8. LKoui-to repre.entatge and oeice. Tel. GI..... Umts"iV. 246-Righl.u4 Park 141S--Dcleld2PM. Hiram Chester WeId Marries ]Kansas'Girl, Angleskin lace over ivory satin fiasbhioned the gown which Miss Mary Williams %ore Saturday, afternooni, lune 6, at ber marriage ýto Hiram. Chester Weld. The bride's tulle veil was fastcned 'at the back. of bier head, and she :carried a bouquet of 'roses, sweet,-peas, and orchids tied with white ribbons. The dresses and bouquets of the! matron of bonor, Mrs. Vernon Trabert of EIv anston, and the bridesmàid, Miss Eunice and Miss Verna Bell Weld of Wilmette and Miss Myrtle Eléanor Cooney of Council Bluffs, Iowa, were made alike, of aquamarine organdy in, Queen Anne's style, with white panels of Swiss enibroidery down the front and rolled collars of the saie. material, the belts. of salmon-pink panne velvet. harnionizing with their bouquets oroses. The bats were of aquamarine Borders. of ,çring .flovers, lovely lazvns, a Pool, anîd a background of natural .woods are a part of the liandsco>ing in the garde.i of .4'r. Charles N. Huribut, 715 Greleaf avenue, Wilmette. For the. foaurth -conseéucütive year the garden-this is>inq wax the locale of a basket lunch giteti by.11,-s. Hunibut for a reading club comf'osed of teachers and-e.r-teachers. Mrs. Htirllut has beets a member of the club for a inmber of ye. UPHOLS1WRING Higjh.stQua.hty Wokm..mbip AW*AY QONVIST MNiss jean Hall, daughter of Nir. and MNrs. Henry C. Hall, 500 Central avemue, a graduate of Sullins college, Bristol. Va., received a bachelor's degrce in dramatic art froin the Goodman theater, Friday of Iast week. On june 27, Miss Hall is sailing from Montrea.l for Europe to be gone until the last of August. She will be a memiber of the Gus Anderson tour of Northwestern university, whiclh Mr. and Mrs. W. Sq.-Moore, 531 Washington av~e n ue, with Nlrs. IMoore's sister, xliss Margaret Topping of 'Lake Forest. left \Vednesday by motor to spend a week-mith their son and daughter-in-Iaw. Mr. and Mrs. L,. T. 'Moore. at St. Marie. II. DAVIS PURNITURE 721-23 Maii St. va»m.s PHONE UNI. 721 Estimat us Without Obligation- was ini bine lace' with The former pink accessories, the latter wort. a î"each colored lace gown with gra% accessories. Kenneth %Veld. brother oi the bridegrooni, was best mani, and the ushers were Vernon Trabert, Keniieth Romnig and Wayne WVeld.ý At the altar of the North Shore Ilethodist chiurch. where the wedding Several Wi last weeck-enld rimac, Wis. 'i 1634 Forest a E. B. Snyder; and Buddy, IÀ mnra T L; Gi C. J. Nylund ir soi Mr. I Mr. and Mlrs. Weld have gone to Boston to establish their residenice.