byterlan Board of Foreign the. Chetek, Wis. Conference for the veelc of June 21 to :27. serviing on the facuit Y&f the conference, I1ecturing twice -daliy.. Ihe, Sun daysehool willnimeet at 10 o'cock. Notice the change of.tîmie, which. wîlli be continued through the, autinmer months., Those whose Sunday echools have, eIomed for the summer wfll be w#ek'omed iu Our sehool.ý Th1e pastor w111 represent the Pres- with F'riday. Ju,ne 26. In titis way al tee. Mrs. J. D . Stevenson te giing a. mhemberà Winl have an opportutilty to Invitation tW chlldren ln order keen I.n close touch durlng the vacation cordial that parents may attend church. time. pope entertained the The Cburch scitool closed witb a de-ý Mrs. Henry A.. cirele at ber home 910 lichtful "Commencement Service" last .teigbborhood .udfay. 'Promotions were made frim, Lake avenue ou Tuesday. June 16. the Bguners departmnent, of whleh Miss jeanne 1Brashéars Ila. a;uperintendpnt toý the Primairv. Mrs. George N. Lamb; Dr. Hubert Carletôn, rector froiti the Primarv to the I[ntermnediate. superi'ntenldent;, Buruside. B. H. Mr. Meetat*10 1%e Adult -Bible clasq will Sunilay. lune 21. i* 1be> the seconid from'tii. Intermediate, to the Seninr, o'clock in the ehapel.- The Rev. Paul, and Suùnday, after Trtiffty. There wil be. .Mr.. charge. lu Guthridï.e, G. Frank I., Keller wilI teach the. lesson for titis1 and Mrs.'George Martin of the ChIcaizo Holy Communion at 8 a.m.ý. and MoruBai ptist Union addressed the congrega- ing Prayer with sermon àt Il a.m. concernln c thegreat youth. convention Spoke No. 6 *Ill meet Tuesday, lune Wa'dizday. June 94, will be St. John of Julv 8 to 12 at the Stevens hotel. 23.",for a. 1 o'clock lunebeon with Mr,& tion Baptiot'a. Day. There wlll be a celéthe registered alreadyr are delpentes Twelve Clark Hayes. 911 Lake avenue. bration of. the Moly Communion at 8 a.mi. froni this cburch. Our midweek services will be diaccuToday, (Thureday, lune 18), la the will Durine Juiy. Dr. John II. Hlndley Allitinued for the summerý montbs,. to b. preach chs iuch. while Pastor sixth anniversary of the consecration of ln resumed earty In September. .rn la on vatlon.On Wednesday fiext. Bishop Stewart as Bishop of Chicago. BiShop i. celebrating the anniverThe pastor wiil return to bis riulpit June 24.' will be the closing mid-week 'the sary with the eblldren of the Diocese lni on lune 28. and will begin a series of m-e-ting of the season, lu the Children's a get'docesan service, held in thé Evanstn Ynwshi* lig1h school t I -30 religion whlch are coimnon In our time. a.tu., at which the Bishop wifl talk to 28-June follows: as be wilI Thue erles théý boys and girls of ailt te Church 1!he Mani Who. Xtroduced a False schols of the diocese. Thtis will be foiRevived Who Man Religion -,luly5-The Seventh street at Grepnleaf iowed by a picuic luncheon on the Worship" of House "êA Who Man an Old Religion: July 12-The after wbieh the afte-rnùofl wilT' grounds, Destroyed Religion; July 19--The Mani The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor to visits to the Seabury Westd-voted be Who Revived a Pagan Religion; ,uly Seiinary, opnosîte the Theological ern .6-The Mani Who Compromlsed ]ReliMUN»AY SERVICES Luke's ProT)Lt.'neynnaslum;, St. a. m. Cathedrai, and the new educationai gion: August 2-The Man Wh~o In- Early service ............. You are Chureh achool......... ...... 9 a. mi. troduced a New Relizion. i a. m., buildings of St. M.%ark's church, Evanston. ......... ordIally Invited to worsbip with us and Second service enJoy titis series. The music for the services next SunSome 450 Bishops Pencenien of. the dboday morning la as follows . hé.1d naservice1 palou atiàishes eese f,-r.,om Orgati Prelude-"Andante," Syimpbnnv 2 St, Aiteustine's through the New England states and New .York and attended the commencement exercises at Swartbmorc college wbere their daughter, Helen, was kraduated.. Helen returned to Wilmette witb ber parents oand plans to0 saàil.lune,27, from Montreal on tbe S. S. Athenia for 'England. She wiIl spend tbe summer abroad; visiting Etngland, Scotland, Scandinavia aànd other European countries. TOHAVE' CA34P OUTING: Tbree Wilmette boys plan to leave, the irst* of the week for Camp is.. where Manitowish, Woodruff, they will s'pend five weeks. The y.are McClain, Bercaw. -son of Mr. ani Mrs. O. M. Bercàw, 741, Eightht street, Ralph Clark. son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Ralph C. Clark,.504 Fiftb street. and Bill Penick, son 'of Mrs. Margieý M. Penick, 609 Central avenue. PUPILS' RECITAL A prograrn by pupils of .Winifrcd Townsend Cree, in solo and en.scm-. ble. assisted by Margaret jean Crec. Pcellist, will be given at the home of Mrs. Henry Drucker, 1125 Mohawk road, Wilmette, Tuesday evening. June 23. English Lutheran IGreenwood Mrs. John WV. Fisher Jr., $2"i avenue, and bier daughi- Victoria McLeod-MinistrY Of bMuslc address at Il a.m., heate1 Lr astin8 The mornltag worship service is at il less titan one hour. our hold will we (Thursday) Today The o'clock esach Suuda.y mornlug. Woods. Cars ininister wlll be Iu thie pulpit next Sun- annuai plcnlc at Barna Forward Movement boolets, "Dav by will be at the churcit at 1:30 o'clock and p-v."-sbort. readbngs froni the Bible. day morning. at the end of the. Central Avenue Bus Iwith devotional prayers and added helps The music for the service next Sunday line at 5, 5:30 and 6 o'clock. fhr lay people, have been nialled to ail will be as tollows: familles lu the parisb. Addltionai copies eacb. service early an have now We Organ Prelude (10:45>: "A minor ies.Tthe present issur atn the cur your, for o'clock 8 at mornin-z Cesar Franck Sunday Chorale" cbrcb dooissor prurofed.The the an worship to you invite We convenlence. untîl Octorunning number, a double is 9 at with us. Church achool convenes 2. ber at held ls Service Ioclock and the second .. PogUude-To IatIn 0 i.I 1... " andi School for Girls. Dorothy's roonimate, Miss Jane Greist of Ne-,% Haven, Conn., came witb tbem to Dorotny. îrom .Northampton visit the Fishers for a fortnight. 0o MIiss Mary Lou Moreau. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo J. Moreau,' 1507 Walnut avenue is expecting three school friends from Knox college to be ber house-guests next the. regular hour. li lok . ..................... Rahmalnoff maiAnlut'Cii~oille," wthii Soloit-Mra. B. Edwards Uurce. f Morale ..... Violiui Qblgato-Mr. R obert Brown %g nst, and the g il"e Ly0p Are Tliey Tlut hsf» ichir wî?I.Wtlue Othroughout j Ofrtory ooBlse Wr-Ste>hen5 >Or frene and neigliboru are ln- . Mouru" .............., ¶'h. " Aid society lu bavlig an ice cream soentertalntnent Arthur Green program will cial lu the Sunday school room. Thle feature who have lived at 241 Church road, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shepherd, have moved back to Wilmette and s The Senior Walther, league Ioclety Boellman U ,o tItis tnspirlng Sumawer-tme Postlude.-Oothlque Toccata neets on Priday evenlug, at 8 o'clock.armaighiroeat14E- hi *lahp. an hour of spiritual refreshlng. t154Em hm ain July, Auguat- and Labor Sunday wilI avenue. wood on meets clasm catechumnen adult The. Baptist local the wlth services unitedl see re-orgaîllus bas uociety 'Me Woman's . - Winnetka, for the past three years,