Wr. are proud to offer a thoroughly conditioned' golf 'course, one of the finest m' ,Wisconsin. 18 sporty hole course surroiunded by beautiful scenery. Creeping hée.nt greens like velvet ... well drained. Doy..75c; ffli@4 P.M...5 Strde .. $1;-,@ftr2P.M... 75 c S RAIRS Sudoys mmd Holiday ...... $1.25 A E '1~ ^M o 9,5 front Chicago. Take asw highway going Wesîteo U. S. 12. ou with U. S- 50 lit Lake Geneva, turu raght or reuwU.S.1 t iret. Fi aboiut % tuil e y about 70 miles front Chicago. Abouit 1% hours ride. HILLMOOR GOLF CLUB las, bees op~e*d for ils titird seas'n a I.stti? tIosapds of ,wrth short, lo; ers of thte rm-of-doors. Summer is Isere and th ise ts iPark cf fIlinsois, s:orth of 1Waiêkegrn'a, GQL hO le-fiaitmiles w i4asc miignpark, un. wa a-: foinr miles east of Dixon, I., will e to be coDverttd loto a state îe21spnod on as the necessary plans can bc per-behlSudy the mniddle l1à>ienof Lutberan by ai.cted. More tItan 100000 persons> ady have been drawn to this easily West. A numiber of the members ot the :cessible playgrouÉud during the first vo: yrs it bas been open to the public, WViliette English Lutheras cluirch. tdpresent indications are that the cur- Seveuth street at Greenleaf avenue, attend, as well as unembers and ail prcviiobu will nt season will, surpass friends of the. United Lutlwran . 1 eacli the leisurcly niot know bc away. wilI. do thiey and w-long,