Il» .- 7.%--" Ltriuaeriianm , Uenan ideal saffing Shore's coming sixteen year oid skip-'inoon. per,. ailed bis Asterisk into third Pl~.. place two minutes ten seconds bePo@. TJ.. hin tar Twn Be, he iliam'-Twin Star. Lockwood Pirie.. 2 23 3 51 amodsyndicate -sloop, camne i, Bee .WIlllamii-Hammonnd 4 1l 2 -4 47 emlni* S. L.PirleJr.. .. 1 4ý 6 46 iourth fifty seconds behîn Ateiswith, Galatea saile by Bill Faurot, Galatea, Wm. Faurot ..... 5' 3 5 44 Doiphin, Emerson Fiaymond 8 0111y seven seconfds behind. terèi, .& R. Ouer 3.ý7 16'37 In th'e Sunday morning race> Woody iIbis, Philip Upton 9110 2 36 P1irie, sailed. Twin Star to a, first Adara, Xitchefl-Richter . ... 6934 9 inaKamo, ............. 7 placeinà brisk soutbwest, breeze-. Bonnie Kales BWseyBwan ,10 6il8,3 12 29 Ret taking second and, Galatea third. Gale VHryNye . 1 26 lit Sunday, afternoon'race Gale v.1,Cynara.. Hayon. Roqua ...12 9 il 25 saldby Harry Nye came f ront be-:1Frauein, W. J. Alsip ..... 14 1.2 13 18 Altara,! R. A.- Hessa .... 13 t14 14 16 lhhml on the homieward boat to Witt. -ahc e, .W Wo 16 16 15 10 withtl Philip Upton's Ibis close be- Barnacle, E. -R. earnard ....17 15 16 9 iîiid in second, place and NVQody Starilight. Ai.C. Rasgmussen.-18 13 1 ll>irie*s Twini Star inthird. The two *HernuiieDA.NDai. 1 t 18. 4 Pirie boats led ail around the 'course t DM flot start .... . IaM filmv AINDEI$O.N COTTAGES *1 L. E -'J HOTE L:,andf uiý LI3PE E z Four Sisters Turn Mrs. J. E. Elliott is leaving for. ber home ini New York on Friday after spending several weeks as the guest. of ber two sisters, 'Mrs. George Vaught. 511 Brier street, Kenilworth, aitil Mrs. W. K. WVilson of Lake ave!nnue. \Vilmette. The visit mneant a reunion for the four sisters in the 1fanilyv. because lMrs. NV. L. Carrington of San Antonio, Texas, arrived Visit Into Reirnion Corne sc Ephrimý-fi> d od ite your stéyy onjoyable e$ tMe Anderson Hofel. in t-e conter 0; cf Wsconsin's wondeland of wooded eu. Cotontry cf o '.Parks and wae-wasfied clifFs -Waters blue and sail.flecked, aolve wli * bss, oerch and pan fish. Booting. s.wimnming. hikinrn. r;dmnq. tennis. gôlf-oeverytlitg thot makes fife worth while. The. vory, mosi *df-l;c;oushorne cooked food, family stylo a'nd ait you ýwantt of if. Diïce and coer orcFbestra to entortafi you. Priondly congenial atmosphere. .Unexcelled botel accommodaiit<.ns. Alil Anderson cottages with battis and innërsprinq mvattresses. Write now for cornplete de'criptiveliltorature. *. Wfo boere» Valentino. Ephraim. Wisconsini. Anderso,,Hoifri, teiid >tinuer school. in Ne'v aîïd cxpects to enter Nrhetr againt in the fali. Vori. WiII Devote Summer to Newspaper Work Stanley and Bruce Taylor, the twinl sons of-'Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Taylor, 541 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilvorth't left two . weeks ago Tuesdav for LAKE WAI Cone mi de.n wek4nds esthisý vacation, end vear iiin vard university A.lice, was grad e M ' 111-%aukmç. Mary. Xorthwestern u ilg next mont kwïti i el \Tassar on a trii to Europe. o froin iMr. and Mrs. L.' R. Chamnbers. 309 sali- Seveteetb street, had as their f roin guest over the week-end J. Carlton. IHickey of Sali Antonio. Texas. c. 1 -