Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1936, p. 3

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The Public Service cornpany of worlc. In an effort to taice care of' our own, the Welfare board >ot- nIlniswsgatda electricit.y franchise for thirty years gives this empîcyment service charge. Villagers who can 1w without eniwothat he illgeof be illgeof by he use help for a few hours or a daY hy eniwothat ofgo rsesae meeting of the board o tustes jor more, are urged to cali Mrs. Mondy Robinson., VilnieÏte 2550, and she ctienCorteayC» On oe be glad to send comipétent and. will appearedl road, Davis. 243 Leicester he relialec help). .111 te granting ofthJ 1 toth lu.posto oppsiio franchise, basing his opposition the 30-year clause. on! - ,i a . .... wtc:alil ... is held by that organization. 'We have as guest of honor tüda>' one wbo s about to leave lis fld of Oiide.'or i our midst for the wide openi last Wednesday signed thet~ lii UVr eb te toughst that* cree holding unconstitutional an act Iw a .Oup oaati fbw.Orsneo pe passed by the Illinois state legislature our.*igss la bis gain. in ýJune. 1935;- making electricity. -He bas lived and worked in our water. or - gas sold 1w municiPalyeonmunty a comparativelly short time, yet he bas endeared h'lmself to, and owned public utilities subject to :the gained the respect of, ail of us for bis thnee 'cent retailers ôccupaboônal sales bigittuci unfta iling courtesy, 1thorougbneàs feoeti.Heasoea and It was.explained that the 30-yearJlrtnJ period was about the usual lengthî of time for such franchises and that some neighboring unicipalities, had l)eretual contracts, based on. "good behvir. Long egotitionsa tGordon, 1o1e811in bsnwudralg tr partner i thel *glves me jgreat p1easîure to pre-, "1It Pierce, Edmoxdsanîd Xartin, 135 Platt, our retiring Village T[he utility compary -Was rep- 'South La Salle street, has been elect- sentMr. wlth thls token emfblematic of re'sented by AUlnT Glet,201manager. ed presidetît oî the Xorth Shore the estéeem and affection in wblch «hé le a egbr f~ fM. Property Owners association, it was hebod, b3 members of the Wilmette CivIc Leîècester road, aniho n tectzenryo u ilg. eau Mir.. Mar For the village, -Trtîsteeanounced titis week. Davis'. Richard C. johoston, 321 Melrôse succeeds Ariington C. Harvev, genMr. Platt' left Saturday With bis avenute, had coinducted negotiatioris, eral counisel of the Pure *Oit companyti lvfo>aweks vistwt ihhs .ist ewiicih had1 be en continued since theY.fmvfoa taking before ngeles i iL~ parents oito. h , ha 1932. in ecpired old franchise Sitîce 1924, when hie took 'up bis upl his duties atithflIowa State col.Ain opportunity was given to ail residence ini Lake 'Forest, Mr. Martin icgv. citizensý to bc present at the meeting has beeiî active in :civic* affairs. He orwsen and to examine the proposed fran-isadrtrofhe T iverýiity Settiemient and of the chise at the village office when Presi-; j L dlent Harry P. Harrison, 307 Ab- i cago -Nursery and Half OrphanJ bot siord road, sent a letter to everv Asylum. He is a' graduate of Yale M r.1 iiieClkW*st wl lr Vbtrwl Llnilersit%- and of the University of 'r.Mni resideîit inviting such action. The persistence of sonle members Chicago -la%% school and is a mnember spra, on the Townsend plan on Fri- of the Wilmette Civic league in atPlea la For Unity Pla on unity iin combatmng thle o'theî Chicago. Illinois and Anterican tdav evefling ini the WVilmnette village' .tetnpts to learn how~ to play golf is hall before the. Townsend Club) Num- ,xothingz short of astouniding. Believe menace of trucks and buses operatilg Bar associations, the Caxtoî, ,onof Wilmette. The meeting î;t~nr~ rib~ber ()ne ~ ~ shre. ~ as oer cmmoortcaries --we are, extrésel~y aorry to see blm go. but we congratulate. bini upon the ore bigger opportunit>' tbat bas bçen offered <<the it goes wtbout saying that he bas I Maioi . Iartin of ùike Forest, 1oui- ver>' beât wlsbes for unlimlted suc- ow!J dssrt ,jproàoerty O wners tax,' and permanently enjoining State. 4orgh S hUhlm. Treasurer John Stelle, and Director of Finance K. L. Anes, Jr.. from. colle'cting further taxes on .sncb salés. The case,- reDresentîng 178 municipalities including the villages , of Gleiicoe.' Wlnnetka, Kenilworthý, and Minmette, was handled by Attorney M.arshall. wrho is also chairman of the, legal section of the Illinois* Municipal league, Frederick Dickinson. village' attorney of Winetka, and Attorney, Thomas A. Mathers of Forest.' River Tt' was announced that Attorne'y G;eneral Otto Kerner would app..V the case to the Illinois Supreme court, Mrs. 'Webster la Slated as Civie Leaguers to Townsend Speaker Friday. Try Hand,at Golff 234' Sheridan noad.- Kenilwonth vil-. lage. attortiev. Tuie two, however, diff ened sharply o1ve to stop aIl water serv ice to oVer niethod- of fighting the truck traffic. MnI.Bishop, whio spoke first, resident., outside the village limits declared that representatives of the ivas taken last MIonday evening by variOus îîoth short municipalities,! the Ketilworthi board of trustees ' ' ers' assocÏàanoin, and rredericJJk I)c,-ub-Urban areas. 1v\\ îîmette club an( Gordon L.- Pirie -was re-elected Evanston. is presi(dent of' the Spnday Geneva. Wiîsconsin. wthicl is just east iiison, 1228' Scott avenue, Hubband' ;hich1 nieets in' Chi- of the town' oi \Valworth. And a Afternoon club. wi \Voods, village attorney of Xin-'trea-uner of the association. cordial invitation .is extended to WVilcago. nletk.a. both of whom wvere invitedU villagers to go along. join in cncen-mette iteatue LI to the meeting by Vernôn R. Loucks. bniorniation and litratre oncro-the play, or just watch, as suits theni IigteTwsn Kenilworth to Stop àmovement may be igteTws avenue and .Central 1125 No Man's Lanid Water obtained at avenùe e,Wilmette, and at 1 440 Prairie Vinnetka. 839 Eltn street, W~ - best. Civic pected should Ehuner leaguers are. of course, exto show up. Reservations be made proinptly through D. Becker W ilmette 381, or ýs iiarnum nhave . in Huntington x .a month with1 in, the bat (Go on Page 6 dI 1006 Central a, in Chicago. and Iwith

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