"Th6eè ConquestA Fiam BLO* la di. Pnpof ti o&a amons arheIoisMad ciplèm t"k qut of a lest civiisaio. açl S3.SO The Newbery, award is made an- il nuily by the children's section off1î the American Library association and' represents thé highest hionor in" the cÊhildr-e's book .world, Childrcn's j librarians ail over the country send _ .theirvotes, aud news f-ttfnl cholce is awaited with the greatest int=rst.ý This year's award was announeed où May 12, in Richmond, hr the Library association'»5~' Va. covenion.'Cadhe meetng ii Wod-W A portrait head of Cries Mrbok.Wit; ben I..» bs faorie children , ever since publication lasti. an b- Grdon .Aichin. Mr. M1orotel, "S parke#nbrokc,"' May. but this médal brings it new Vgan,'s ',ee puîuhd y the1 Macmi laont"honrsfro tt cilrens'libarans se ller Iist . r. niebs a ,t of America. Il11orgaet. s an Englishpimon, od ia s1 sor o t Cadi Wodaun itéra>ýy efii. adventuresome childhood of a lively little pioncer who lived on the Wis-1 <" (Built out of the meniories of consin border in Civil War days. I & CO* FIELD MARSHALL eiiceptional charmu and. wterestingi'Dr. George Lindsay Johnson, au-' plot, but ofgreat historical signifi-I thor of 'Does Moan Survvùve whicb cance because of its rich, authentit IHarper & Brothers published on May backcground. Kate Seredy's beautiful 1l, has hati a scholarly and at the. pictures give an 'added distinction to saine time an' adventurous, carter. the attractive make-up of this' Out- Born in England, hie was -sent to a 'ranch ini South Australia at thte'age: standing book for chlldren.. Mrs, Brink lives in St. Paul, Mrnn., of thirteen foi, tht sake cf his heaitb. where her hiisband is prof essor off For a year he lived the life of a; niathemnatics at the University ofcwo, in the saddle 'fromu morning Caddie, this is a book flot only ofýSt auhrs owii. gradum4ier, the, realSeot theSurgeon-e nAuhofBoh o o n A rime royal entitled "Red Gerantmm" bv Nirs. Tarr appears in~ the April number of "The Step Ladder," which is the publicationi of the Order 0 Bookfellows, an- international, asvies h scato. freadr n advisory board, of the- Order is cm posed of 'writers,. many, of, them~ well known. Hiamlin Garland is the chairth otemmbesa: man Cari Van Doreii, Zona Gale, Hugh alIp ole, john,,Erskine, Henry Seidel Canby, Lorado Taft, John G. 'Neihardt, James-' Branch, Cabel, Curtis Hidden -Page,.Iring BachelIer, Edwin :Markham, andý Richard Bur?tn "Red. Geraniium" -was submitted by oteCiaoPer MsTr Fl ery. Boflosin iceo w.n.rinroalFebrs oraokfeton o opttô nrm oa.Hr was chosen a i ra lrrPblfiction. ir as the best and received " Two other poems by Mrs. Tarr, *'Barders" andi "\%"hite Violets," are containied in the March-April Chicago area number of "Verse Craft.Y The purpose of the magazine is "to pubîish approximately three hundred worthwhile poems each year, chosen from the -several thousand offered, witb merit as the sole criterion." Copyright prevents the reprinting Thr. aw16, b..ks for g out ri. 'Ai versificationleted his studies ,Show DuringofrO Wrmany. erved o 15 of unusual in 1 Profits, Losses llgC one fH ligC lne Am swa Id regions of the prairies, and fHe >o:our bird! and il study~ of as surgeon., 1. THE ISLA'NDSE optics, When Emperor Ch'ietn Lung, who umber of' optical ruded China in the late eighteenth Cenino ahat Drse. tury, was informed that a number of ilns h-D. Chinese traders had been killed in ffrfl FIW em. ý G,