Northwesterni university Saturday. Mr. Davis also attended Nortbwest. ern, and was a member of Phi Kappa Ps~i fraternity. For Ladies Ad Socet Thé Social circle of . St.Johins Lutheran Ladies Aid society will have its last mieeting of' thie summer season at the home of -Mrs. Fred .iese. 153() Xilmeëtte- avenue, beginning at 1 o'dlock Thursday afteriooîî. IEleanor Leyla Winter of Etmns'-ý ton u thse fiancée :of John» Web Davis, Son of Mr. aod Mrs. Will B. Davisof wil/mette, lier Parents. Mr. aüd 3Ma :. Clyde F. Winier of dvc naaucd Iat, BRAUCH SLUMBRSO SHERMAN AVENUE AT GROVE STREET. Tea for Mother Mrs. Paul H. Davis, 256 W\oodsto k avenue,, Kenilworth. is ,entertaini ng at tea Friday of this week .for lier. mother, NMrs. Harriett M.%ilford", who gô going to Inldiana soon forthe.suimeri. -Tb*Afff.sMSore. UNl.I m >02 PA TRONIZE t OUR- 4DVRRTISERg ror v mior O. of M. Hostess Martha. wiII meet for sewing and cards at 1 :30 o'clock Mouday, june 22, at the home of Nlrs. T. A. Cizek, 418 Tenth street.t St. Francis household, Order of MIrs. Artbur J. Uindsley, 26() Oxford road, Kenilworth, is entertaining t at luncheon Wednesday of next week: ini honor of ber bouse guest, Nfrs. Robert Lansdowne of Los Angeles, wbo wiIl be here 'for about a month. Yesterday Mrs. Vernion Bergmnn of Chicago entertained at Ridgemiorc Country club for Mrs, Lansdowne. ANTI QUE English China Silver Sheffield I.'---- CIIICAGO FINAL CLEARANCE 707 CIIURCH STREET. EVANSTON GREemIf 2460,