Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1936, p. 44

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Becomes Bride of F.ý P. Maas Large bunches of peonies, with green for.contrast, and two. large candelabra, each holding fôrty-eight l.ighted tapers, decorated the Bethany, Evangelical Lutheran church, in'Chicago last Saturday night for the %vedding of Miss Margery Honor Frand;sen of Chicago and Frederick Plulip Mas of Wlette. The Rev.KariG. Schlerf officiated at the ceremony at 8:30 o'clOck. The bride's dress was of' White satin. Rosepoint lace, a family heirIoon, was given to the bride by an aunt to be combined with tulle to -tenu her veil.6 he woe tarn .old1wooh, presented to ber by the bridegroom who had received it from bis grandmother as a gift for ber. The pin bas been an heirlooni in Mr. Maas' family for many years. Caila liles were the flowers the bride carried. All the attendants wore dresses of organdy, siniilarly made, but of contràsting colors. The maid of bonor, Miss Clara Maas, sister ofthe bride- by Wilmette 'Bride A finger-tilp veil of tulle and a whtelace were vori tires,, bv Miis.s Elsie vonRein.sperg for lber niarriage to Williampi Glenn Johnson, Jr., son Ôof .I7 ohni and 'Mrs. William Gln Sonl of Detroit. 1lier flowersxvere wh ite roses. The ceremony was at 4 o'clock la.st Saturday afternoon in tbe'Egi Evangelical Lutheran church of \Vilý mette, the Rev. David R. Kabele 01ficiating. An informai reception ior relatives and close friends followed the service at the home of thc, brides mother, Mrs. Hans, von Rtinsperg 726 Laurel avenue. Walter vonReinsperg gave his. sister in marniage., The bride's twin sister, Grete, her tid of-houer, wore ~a turquoeise lace gown and carried yellow roses. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Vera Brown and Miss Betty Barker, were attired in miousseline-de-soie, Mrs. Brown in pink, anid varrying pink roses, Miss, Barker in yellow, with yellow roses. Jack Johnson served bis brother as best man, Edwin Beriigbam of Wilmette and Frank Christenson of Chictago, ushered. WiAloo blue dots en the sleeves of their tearose dresses. Ail the accessories were tea-rose. Miss Maas' bouquet was of talisman roses, the flowers of 'the other attendants were talisman roses and blue delphiniuml. The ring bearer, Paul Haenel of Chicago, was dressed in white. The mother of the bride was li mauKeeIA'v, nau erla \ Vhite peonies andcandles graced the cburch for the ceremony, during which Arthur Katzel, Jr., sang. White flowers, roses predofhinating, and pink and red peonies were arranged ini cept ion. The .bride and .ýbridegrooni have, ofgone.to Detroit where tbey wiIl réside. vi oii thde vonReinsperg home for the re" antd a Georgpmn, a group of about, twenty Following the. reception at the prazes. friends returned to the. Marley borne three for an informai gathering. Nirs. Th'omnas M. Mintz, 50 Créscelit r s place, was bostess at a. tea on Thurst day of last week in bonor of ber a mother, Mrs. Martin J. Pendergast, e who returned. to ber bome. in New r York city Saturday after a visit of six, weeks with Mr. and Mrs. .Mintz.,

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