Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1936, p. 42

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to Flower-CuiIJ The flower committee fort large, luncheon and bridge party whïch thé ways andmean s comînittéee of ,thie Womian's, Club of. Wilmnette is sp.onsoring for* 24, at 1 W dnesdaylune o'clock, at the club. house, cons<ists. of Mrs.. Philip F. Keller, Mrs. R. A. Brtedemeier, and Miss Frances Goodhue. Club members who have a surplus offilowers in their gardens are asked intervals, will be an aul-day trip t the Br ookfield Zoo on Thtirsday.ý June 18.î The program for the c'unctl (Protestani.t Big Sisters), 203 Xorýtli: bas 'reWabash avenue, .Chicago, cen tly been announced by the chairman, Mrs. Orlando Murphy, 5906 W~est H-uron street, wbo reports a very complete schedule of1 educa'tional trips to places of finterest in and' near -Chicago, throughout thte i. .flowers ,nittee early in the week. As the torium of: thé club is to be like a garden on the day of the party. the 1. Oomittee. will ppeciate ail of the that are offered. he roonis j 1 be. gay with bright-striped awnwil ings and beac1b parasols of brilliant colors. The reservations are moderately comto get in,touch with the floweir audi- f pricd. * On the committee in charge of prizes are Mrs. R. W. Hallet, Mrs. W. H. Havt. and Mrs. C. L. Rogers. the party. Mrs. Lincolit C. Torrey bas charge- of the luncheon. Mrs. E. L. Lange is the chairman of Service council will be given the op-' Contributions should be left b,ý portunity to join each. tour,, and, the Truesday e-vening at the home of Mrs., Big Sisters have ar-ranged to chaperon ýF. B. Mfacinnon, 321 -Leicester road, and provide transportation. Mrs. S. J. Kenilworth, the chairtnan of the flowDuncan-Clark, 228 Woodcourt, XiI- ér guild for the, Kenilworth Homne and rs. Walter Cherry, 517 Sheri- Garden club, which mnakes collections lett, dan road, Kenilworth, Mrs. Frederick on alternate WVednesdays. This ai-. Hipp, 1609 Tenth street, Wilmette, lows the chairman an opportunity to Mrs. Roy Davis, 2672 Stewart avenue, keep the fowersin wa~ter over î»gh.t Mr& fDonald T4ieyer,- 1232 'Evantton, * Carlos Photo and arrange themn to go in to Chi-> Judson avenue, Evanston, and Mr. cago on the morning train, WednesMiss Betty Williams Isos retiuried Clarence L. CahilI, 961 Forest avenue,, day. to her honte at 1352 Chestiiisi aveGlencoe, are a few of the north shorc' \\hlen the club made flower collecBig Sisters who wilI be active in this nue, *Wilnette, fr0515 the' Chei i W\edniesday of last week itwa5 tions thec include wilI trips The programi. Chase, school ini Chevy Chase, Md. of Uinited States postoffice, large broad- able to send to Chicago a quantity the f rom peonies japanese Miss WiIliaoms helped carry the handsome con,muscums, casting stations, public Xorthbrook gardens, which had been Daisy chain a.t the schoel coinservatories, and industrial plants. display and 1'.irs. Albert Held, 4439 Berkley ave - uised by the club for its usencement apid zwas a eeiber,pf Gardeni Shore North the at programn nue, chairman of Big Sisters, statethe Queet's court in the' MaY play. center in \\innetkai the* preceding Roses, including the climbing varieties, should. be in blooni, :îext week, and. the Kenilworth, Home and. Garden club., which wvill be in -charge of collections for :the Ch'icago Plant, -Flowver and Fruit g4ild on. Wednesday,. 'suggests, that residenits of Ke n-, ilwvorth, donate ros es . at* that timue. Flow ers of al .kinds wvill summer months. tlie of, sisters" AIl of the "litte he %velcome.ý A. tnam,, M s.At Ki<hek.r mes. Emt J. Lascalles and Mrs. L. W. IElias. Guest dav vill be observed at KilThe north shore %vill be represented Mrs.. George D. Cpnlee, chairman occasion the on club> of Country committee deer the Thiirtyý-ninth international means %%-'lien and of the ways the club, has planned a full and inter- of the next Ladies day Tuiesday of convention of Gamma Phi Beta conesting prograni for ber various com- this corning week. FPrizes will be vents in tht Empress hotel, Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur James Ell'it, 824 Ashland avenue, are leaving tomnorroý,v (Fri1day) for New York to start their trip around the world. plan to sail June 24, on tht S. S. 'They mittees te carry out thîs coming year. given for guests as well as mexnbers, B3. C., june 27-July 2. This will be the. Stavangersiord for Bergen, Norway. prizes for the former beling for low first Gammna Phi Beta convention on Gai w -F. B. M. v train trom BR e n tn Ol o Ioe nî1tts. and low gross on the six short Canadian soil. Wi Go to Canada for Gamma Phi Convention WiImetResidenis to Make World Tour. iiig will be in preparation for .th~e aanu bazaar to be fheld in Novemnber. lJI me s u1I8IA8an a~it sc "'iton, ine -30, Mr. and Mrs. 0. NM. Bercaw, 741 creative Sibelius Eighth street, entertained e i g h t the ex- friends for golf and dinner with e until bridge in the evening at Westmore- SBup 1-N' alternate. land Country clÙb on Wednesday.' president of the the convention as

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