of a few relatives and close friends. The bride, in a tailored suit of white silk linen, wotre a shoulder corsage of white roses and liies of the valley. Her only attendant .,was her..sister, Miss. Wylma HoWe, ,of Chicago. Eugene Hildebrand of. Wilmette served the bIedegrcom as best man. After the ceremfony a wedding breakfast was served at the Georgian hôtel in Evanston.. The bridé%was graduated from tbe 1University of Illinois with the class of fiefore lier marriage Wednesd&y 1935. For the past year she taught home economics in the- Mazon ýHigh of, this.u'eek, Mrs., Robert Shabieto school. was Mies Ileanor Howe, daughter M r. Shabino attended the Univerof the late, Mr. and Mrs.- W. E, sity. of Southern California and was Houe. of Tuscola, IIi. The t'edding took. place in the homne, of the bride- *graduated from Northwestern, a memgroom's mother, Mrs. Charles.Sho- ber of the class of,1935. He is a membino of Wimette, zicith a, breakfast ber. of Ti Kappa Alpha and Beta Alpha Psi fraternitie.s.. ai the. Georgiont. Mr. and Mrs. Shabino will live in Berwyn after a short trip, to the Wisconsin flls. .gnd' Evanston. --.J---- ad of The women golfers of the club will hold. their. first guest day Tuesday.. Special events are1 planined, for the guests,* and prnzes, will be awarded. The event Tuesday of1 this week was, odd holes with one haif the handiýcap. Mrs. C. J. Folger, of Evanston ivas the winner in A class;1 Mrs.. Gross Willi'ams of Winnetka, B class ; Mrs., E. -J.1 Witt 'of Glencoe, C clasS; and Mrs. T. P. Jardinle of Evanston, D class. $16.50 values, $10, And as, low as $2;50 HoIds Open House. Following. commencemnent at -New Trier High ,school, «Mrs. Louis A. Suekoif held open bouse to abouti orne hunclred guests Ihursday evening of last week in bonor of ber daughter, Rosehelen. A buffet supper, was served at midnight. ----------........... ........... Anderson-Lundahl Engagement Announced -Nr: and Mrs. Arch Anderson otf 874 Hill noad, Winnetka, announice the enigagement of their daughter, Archia. to H-erbert Thorp Lundahi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hebent Alvin,1 Lutndai of 224 Raleigh road, Kenil* .Owiinû (Yt tio a 1ecntdt r Est. 18Ml I675 WelI* fitting slips, $1.75 Panties as. low as ý$1 Sylvic Newman North Mieulgea Avme I T.L, DeL.Uinj To. Move East Mn.' aN rM%. Edard C. Geither and daugliter, Jecanne, who sold their home at 321 'Raleigh road, Keniilorth. this, sprng and have been livilig at the Orriingtoin hôtel for the past two' nioiiths, are leaving the end -t -Patironize Our AdtSrtisers Visit Our Children 2h in 1 41.. ê,.Q b r the *in Shop KovcenIone, andi was gracluated at Sarah LaWrence college a year ago. Uer fiancé, a graduate of Williams colleu-e with the class of '34, is a niember of Psi Upsilon. week from 'New% Trier High school. Yesterday (WNedinesday) Miss Marganet Tidernan, 138 Abingdon avenue, Kenilwonth, ententained a few friends 'at luncheon in her honor. Shirle.y Temple Scarf s Baby Gifts. To A Miss worth Keniljune 3,! Sorority Breokfàsf The Advisory Apha chapterc 1161-1163 Wilmiete Ave. Wilmette 4406 &k*ÏII Open Evety Ev.ning during tlislSae.. fcepflonaIly low ternis. L.ow D@wn Enferfains party Wednesday -at ber home, Forest avenue.Mrs. J. D. Rothi was hostess to eral friends at a luncheon and bi 1hem: THEm BALDWIN PIANO COMPANY dancei 323 S. WebasI Avenue. Chicgo