to Marry Chicago Girl on lune 27 In thé First. Methodist Cburcb i1mette at 4 o'clock on -Satoôf urday afternoon, .June 27, Miss Frances Clark Ewing. ,daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Per V. Ewing ,of 4300. Drexel boulevard, Chicago, will be.rmarried*to Wendeil Paisley Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton 'Lewis Keith of '222, Ninth T.Ihe wedding cerenîony will be.perforrned by the Rev. Horace G. Smnith and tbe Rev. Amos, Tbornburg, a receptiÔn ini the. church. parklors following immediately. \Iiss Ewiasg bas choselj N1iss Helen Frost of Chicago for her maid of * honor, and will also be attended hy two bridesrnands, Miss Elizabeth JBautn of Georgetown, Ill., and Miss Phyllis Gerrard of Flora, 111. Mr. Keith will have bis brother, Gilbert, * for best man, andf the ushers will be Gordon Keitb, his younger brother, Perry Ewing, brother of the bride, George Bowren of, Chicago, and Clifford Andrews of Peoria. 111. Mac Lennan Wedding Miss Frances MacLennâù ivili arrive Sunlday ,frotu .. Halifax, Nova Scotia, to. be the house guest oi4htE$dwin Leland Dunlcans, 225 Wood court, Wilinette, for tbe imarriage of ber brothier, Hugli,%acLennan, to Miss, Dor-. othy Duncan., The cercmony will, take. place at. 4:30 o'clock Mionday at the Winnetka Coligregationial church anUd wil be followtedbv a.:recep)tion at the Duncan home. of- honor at severalteas and sbowers during the past few weeks. On ) une 6,' Miss Alice.,Hattermnan and Mrs. Herbert Weighrnan of Evanston wvere* co-hoýtesses at a luncheon and lînien shower for Miss Duncan at Miss Hatterman's borne, 24 CanterburN court, Wilmette. Mrs. Lawson E. Hahn gave a luncheon at her home ini Evanston for tbe bride on Saturday, and Tuesday Mrs. F. Burton Bryant entertained at a tea at ber borne in Chicago. On june 9, the teachers of the Portage Park school in Chicago entertaînieatashower for Miss Duncan,. ed Miss Dunca:nbas beeti the guest ini the west. The bride and bridegroom wili be guests of honor at' a tea to be given Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paisley and their daugbter, Frances. Miss Ewing is also bçing entertained at a shower Saturdav by Mrs. Oscar Thaleg, Miss Vera Thaleg, and Mrs.ý Ira Reynolds, ail of Wihxiette..A second shower was given for tbe bride by lier Sunday scbool class Tuesday of Carlos Photo) .4 tulle vieil attached to a headdress of flowvers instead of the tusuial caP, and a prayer book in, place of the conventional bridai bouiquet upere a Part Otlt e Wedding costume of Mrs. James T. Igoe, Jr, the former Olive .ilaric Oelerich. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oelerich of 1201 Greenwzood avenue. itch'len Wlilimttîc. Mr. and MVrs. Igoe arc ini the casi on their weedding trip. <wd Park. Rogers in home at be rct,ilI tetiri A srnall wedding for the farnilies only bias been plânned by Miss Elizabeth Anni Shepard for ber mnarriage, Saturday, to Ellsworth Banks Cregý ier, son of M,\rs. N. Baiks Cregier of Chicago. Miss Shepard is tbe daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Truc Shepardof 504 Fiftb street, Wilmette. .. The cerernony wilI be performed at 4:30 o'clock at the Drake liotel. iower'tie hobse was dec-' ýn and green which arc 5 colors. de are Miss Jean Cameron hostess at a linen shower on June 17. Mr. Simoftds and bis bride will where le vas a emberplace on who gave a iitchen iii the The wedding w~ take oftPibtPsi. ne 10, and Miss Frances make their home at 2529 Jackson fait. of E~vanston, who was avenue, Evanstoli.