tribura. a cocktail party in- their apartmnent to their tenants preceding the dinner. Legaré-Loving, who maintain :a> photographic studio- in The Chimneys,> gave the final touch of festivity, taking a flash- light of the guests at dinner. The Party was so successful that evervone agreed it should he repeatéd.' MtsePhoto Miss IElis-abelh Ain»She/,ard, daugher of -Mr. and Mrr. Triée Shepard, 504 Fif th esreet, Wilmette, zéill be'inarriedi at 4:30 1o'clock Sat.urdav at the Drake .hotel. t& Elljzworth:Baî,ks Cregier Of Chicago. .E. 1: 10 Tnatm.est$1@ 1700 CentradSIeM, Evanston Hostos Mrs. Gardon W. 'Bull, 524 Maple avenue,' was hostess to eight gucsts at luncheon and. bridge at- thé Georgian hotel on Monday. Pautronte t»Our MAdçergser Infant WeIfar, Head Honored:,ai Luncheon Mrs. Keisey Sanders of Kenilworth, president of the Kenilworth center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago* was honored at the, annual presidcnt's luncheon of the- center held We'dnesdlay of this week ai: West* morela.nd Country club. Each year] the organization pays this gesture of appreciation to its head, and yestéèrday Mrs. Sanders received congratulations from the membership for the An arrangement of specimens of extent of the work accomplished dur- côlumbine and two talks of interest inîg the past year. The lun cheon, ai-I ta garden loyers will compose the though priinarily in the nature of a pragrani at 10:30 .Tuesclay rnorning, social meeting, was followed by a re- june 23, at the North Shore Garden view of the activities of last year, and center headquarters in Wintka sunlnary of those things .planned for ne.xt- Vear. Ail 2rranzemntq ar I SPAU [DING 166 ORRINBSTOU AVL iv-i Discussions 'with designers of igh style fashions anent auturnn ring forth the belief tbat daymue skirts will be shorter. This elief is based on, the fact that ere was no resistance, ta the ci.rt lergth this spring. It is an- Wtmêti. eClüb Arranges Garden Conter'Programs s.IVER Party for Graduates Ezighith grade graduates of the Stolp and Howard schools were entertained at a party Iast Saturday niiht given under.auspices of a group of niothers. The Masonlic temrple,l where the. dance was hield, was dec-. orated with greens and peoniies for the occasion, for which Mrs. Theron Woolson acted as hostess. Punch was .served. Valerie Adamns a , The Wilmette group hias also arranged the prograni to be given June 30, at the. center. A. representative of the Pfund-BeIl Nurseries is to give a talk on "Roses." *m*fiiii oiau LVI'msts tnat1the dress -Which is 13,.and 14 iàches froni the floor looks inuch smarter and younger. F4rc.s.3< Park .4tnuc. Glpn,'-. îqaweil i» fi nd,"sienr vnd çijzn >.N orth Shore I CDAiU11%1 m them. încm. 't' I IliI