f r t netka) catis, it Linden avenue, while in, Glencee it. 'Î.isnamied Glen coe- road. At the north limits, of Glencoe the higbway becomùes Green Bay, road. DONE WELL JOB GOOD whicb continues under that iname through other. true, s a axîom an i& suburbs to the, no.rth,'and far into Wisconsin.. Youth WiII be served. 'That Six tâties for one* road,, even .thougbh divide<1 in iiPolitics as in the fieldof athletics'. It was neyer .Wbich convention that ima ny municipalities,, seem to be -five the among in than proved morecîearly for candidates Repubhican and sufficient. to cause no end- of confu-, the mnany, too Iast week.rnouinated Evanston is performing, a real motorists. to. sion President and, vice-President, -and selected. a service to ail north shore villages ini undertaking young, irile, enthusiastic and fightiing chairmani of task of bringing about' ttiiformity iii, the tcls the national commnittee, who will be much beard of nomenclature, and shouild receive the, earsest supin the. coming months, and will go far ini bis. own rigbt in ,oming ýyears. The movement of the, port of their officiais. To this should be added the coôoperation of citizenis, to the end that,, whest younger etement of the Repubican party to assumne comnmand of its direction and destinies. rnau- fnally determined upon, the name shahl accomfflish gurated at the Grass, Roots convention iii Spring- thc purpose aimed at,'nanely, doing away %with field lagt june. was brought> to splendid fruition in, confusion and making it easy for motor tolrirts to the convention at Cleveland last week. They took reach or follow the route. control atvthe begiming 'andi ftteïne< il to the end4, In any conferences on the sutbject the nine of performing a difficuit task so welI that the entireý Green Bay road, already adopted by Kenilwortb, party bas been rejuvenated, and the way nmade should receive a fuil measure of consideration. It clear for the return of a sorely distracted and a]is the logical name for a central thoroughfare west most bopelessly muddled people to a basis of govof the tracks, providing, as it does, a througb ernimentai sanity and security. route front Evanston, and running into tbe road of The candidates will appeal with great force to that rinme which continues so far to the nôrth. It those eietnents of voters who have become suspiis a distinctive rinme, eupbonious and to a certaini adminispresent the which in cious of the direction dcgree descriptive. -It fits. tration is leading the country, and wearied of the Objections will probably corne front residenits ou continuai drafts being made upon the resources -of tbe 'uresent Green Bay road in Glencoe and Xi- heur the uaaue and address of the autbor, flot Such mitterial nircnsariiy muetrcach t'bce editor by Tuesday noon to b. in tdme tor the current iune. cation muet for~ publication, but for Our fileIl. gave t the name out it is Center street. ureen liaF Hubbard Woods (nortb Win - ,au. in v Wlrm ,the bugband could flot companion, wbo had die took. the easy way out.. ea fture wîrurn is .oui natural causes, and A New Deal, is real peeved. For months hebe adlan-' gled to get the Republicans to nominate Herbe rt James A. (Surplus) Farley, generalissimo of the and put up the. weakest man tbey had, really .no candidate, at aIl." And. then he, called in Charley Michelson, M. S., (Master of Smear), and said: 'Charley , We've got to smear this mian Landon, and smear hini goýod. Dig up ail thé mean tbings you can think >of. Get your sharpsbooters busy, and Hoov er for president, and bis disappointment is crushinge. "6Why,"p he says, "they went g overlook nothing. tltem 'tell~to But be careful about one thing. Dont repeat what I said about Landon being just a governor of a typical prairie state.' That bad a kick in it 1 neyer dreamed of. Gosh, Charley, l'd give a million dollars of the taxpayers' monèy if 1 had neyer said it.") So Charley bas gone to work, andi th( propaganda miul is now busy mixing mud for fu- ture slinging, Mr. Farley knows when he's licked, even if be is whistling to keep .up bis courage. that he possesses those qualifications and characteristics which have. marked our most successful presidents.« He combines to a remarkable degrec tbe sound business jutigment and thrift of a Calvini Coolidge of the east with the hearty goodfello,%%sbip and personal winsomeness of a Will Rogersý of the west. No better running mate could have been provided for Governor Landon than Col. Frank KCnox. Both are thorough-going Americans, square shoot- bouse addresses. Thiese residents cannot be blamed for not wisbing to surrender the name of tbeir street, which has been maintaineti for so inany years. This'can be easily avoided by the simple expedient of adding the word "E~ast," making the name of tbie present street "Green Bay Roati East." This would give it a note of distinction,.and clear the way for uniformity in the title of the new and broader highway, whicb is said to have the support of the state highway départment. "Neither presidential candidate* is w6rth a plugged nickel," avers Father Coughlin, the radio priest ' A year ago the vociferous clergymani thought he was going to dictate both nominations.For a stunt wedding the one at Seattle Sunday, stems the least justified by common sense. The couple insisted on being married on the bed of the ocean, and donned diving suits for the purpose. shot for she pump, d five bullets into bum. thé' 1; y tl3Cy oui; kenough, evidently, to spc THz PHANToIt Rx'oîtnî