.TO ini couunuy, autording an unusual opportunity to heair Chicago's of conductorial assignments, fTo Mi Tin Pan Alley to the Roxy theater own great symphony orchestrawt tegreat conductors of other cities in New York, thrQugh a veritably triumphant Europeon tour of conand countries.ý ducting ýfrom Rome tb. Riga* and First on the list, for the opening thence to -the Ntw, York Philliarnght and two concerts thereafter, is Ernest Ansermet, ont of the' Most manie. With this enticing -array. promising significant of- contemporary Swiss coniductors. He is, well known. as, a summer feast-of.hmusic for Ravinia,, the condýictor of the Dia ghil eff Balle t it behoovés the enire north short and MIl Chicagoland to respond to Russe, with whom lie wasclsl associated., He wiIl conduct the thé valiant efforts of tht guarantors opening *concert of Friday.1ight, the to Make this*first. season a truly great following Saturday night., and a spe-1 onle, by purchasing immediately and in quanitity,, tht preseason .coupon cial1 Sundgy imatineperformance. books available ýeither.ffrom* the local Gaaa t. Comduct The Sun!day evening. concert wvill village. committee'or, in the Mcin the capable lands of kndolph Cormick building in. Chicago,- Roomn fl nz, completing the week's cycle of 1639, in charge of Grace -Denton. swiss conductors. Tho'ugh Mr. Ganz is~ a Swis by birttfr e is an Americait by adoption and carter'. Kniown as a conce;t-pianiist of renown, he lias also achievtd recognition as a 'conductor, as director of the St. Louis Synmphony orchestra, and as guest* The grouinds of Dr. L. Harrison conductor in various parts of thtc Mettler's bouse at 1119 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods. wili be open rountrv. Richard Hagernan, whose con- Saturday afternoon to tht North ductorial carter is long and variedi Short Art league's sketch cla.4s., and wI known- in its operatic as- litre, on a bluff overlooking tht lake. pects to -the Raviinia and Chicagon j G8 MLwau e s PI- A rt LUauv WiÎH ffHold~ Sketch Class ut Wome of Dr. L. H. Mettler~ -as f' perictnce is1 composer. and conductor was ontstanding last winter whtn he condncted tht ballet music from bis opera, "Caponsacchi," with tht Clii-1 cago Symphony orchestra at Orchestra hall. Ht was popular at Ravinia Park where for a numberý of years lie conducted mainly 'the Frenchi repertoire and bas just com-ý pleted a successful season at tht 'Met- day, junt 23: It. would be very helpfui to the instructor if registration would be made before that date by calling Community House, it ivas announced. WVith cool %veathtr as a stimulant, tht ltague's sculpture class got off to a fine start «Mondav. Studvinz. THE Q~ OODYIAR MARCIN OF SAFIKTY With toUght * sure-grippin.g center-traction treed that gives 43% longer non-skid mileage than even former Goodyers.I suiy of Cnicago. Isacv too well known to Chicagoans to need introduction. Aside from conducting 1i an-u '.Jv" 'à avenue,