te *&* Weidner, who made thetrip from1 Elrie to ýBoston with them on the Vagabond..~ While attending the closing festivitilee'at "Boston Tecb,"' and Dana Hall School for Girls, where miss Betty Dubbs is à. pupil, :Mr. -and Mrs. Dubb. visited at the home of their daughter,, Mrs&W. H. McAdams, in. Newton, Mass. 'Miss Betty. is returniing borne to Wilmette witb ber parents in the Vagabond. Vaughn Rurilmgham Ouir dressi uit'end coat departn in Our Winefkastore. EvirytMing, must9 eth rder *0 mal. roo. for. a larger. mère complete lime Of fort. FUR STORCE. Bey Yeur Newi Fer jolis Dix Iplan Ife Work at once. TO VISIT MOTIIER Mrs. William G. Fisher, 1537 Washington avenue, and ber tbree children, Billy, Elizabeth, and France$, Ceai or Renuedel Yen, 1<O ne, Note sge Our Bgudget Plan U *Q K EA N lIn son visiing her mother, Mr&.14. L. Ekern. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher rece"tly tmoved to' Wlnttre frôm ~Ev- to spend tbe week-end in Madi- M. FIIUEES WANTEDU»2 MEN *b Young University Graduates.Ito cgO. Â *The Insuirance business is always good. It is pleasant, permnanent and profitable. Paul Guililkson Joseph Noruioyle oldeet Insurance firms in Chicago, wilI add two high clase young men to their staff. Investigate tbis opportunity noir. Cal at 135 South LA Salle Street or Phone. S. S. Wjllison at.'Franklin.7300 for appointnienh. lb W. A. Alexander & Co., one of the Unwh Auriiory. A&