1. '«Salrazen Fifty" Golf Balls ........ Doz. $4.95 Toaugh Icover, plenty of distance, extra durabiity. 1 1 2.Sportetits.... .s to choose Many froua in styles string or leather. Many colors and .patterns, some wtth 'pleated, front. In ail siiesý. 3.Wash Siacks S-...1.9S s wf-~. ritfrSufmmeor Favol FULARD Tifs, 4. 'Sim Tailored.to fit T1runks...$ ~ . e .they V Beautiful: quality ýiùin all neat patternis, dark colors. as. well as light. Also plain summer colors keep' their chape. to$î. Others ........ 2 for Si Light shades to wear witb summer suits. Al sizes. Lisle ad MILk for. %ear .with, white suits. A 'CIIFT PROM FIUL-DS FOR FATHER"S DIAY, SUN-DAY, JUNE 2IL for the beach f. . . or ai' home TERRY expensive. Sinali, medium, large. $450 BRITISH STRIPE MAD RAS. SH1IT S $1 Green -'--4-- à 1 :, -MARSH'ALL FIELD & Co.u EVANSi ONI WILMETTE LIFE