EVANS TO0N STORE BSROWN mmAR LOQG CABUN O(.nce-upon-a-time this great bear -was really -aive. He prewled.through the forests *Boys, crepe pajamas in handsome colors. Smartly tailored. Sizes 4 to 12. ,mg - And ,what a day it will be! There'll be balloong, lollipops.. And,'most important of ail (especially.to mothers andfather)-every. childrcn's section. throughout 'the store offers ýnia'rv clous new Sum nir children's. wear-at very, special prices. So, don't miss the values. Don't miss the fun. It's going to be a big day in Fields Evanston Store. To ,pieuse the,"You.g Moderns"-ExcItl.g styles in so glad to sec you wouldn SUMMER Every item uoutstomdi OU.TFUTS s 95e- Doy** -velu. Three piece bike dress i ni pastel p i q u e . Aqua, peacix or maize. 12-16. $L9.. -N I p ~ f il t,I// Tri pl1e MARtSHALL FIELD & CO.. EVANSTON 's if /5 4' 1 iq '11 àh