Pein or 'our * q Oce pra Mandarin. Orange Sectionsý Chili ami serve, for breakfast or d *to fruit cup .or seèlacs for color aos Sky Plakbe Wofers Aisé. roof beer and Lime Rickey 'color-Chili amid serve with mün Ch..: or Sky Malte Aisto 0n oralmids Do..,Me 3irI5 S cesi meltoor srd t Ic 4W Large 24-o.' Dose 29c M C soips. seiads or thme midmglht .nack Wlh Chatieu Ch...- los coUmi 19c 4 or froen 3 i4r 50. 19c M Chateau ch«» Idaal -picn easily-Deiicete 29c munàcheez Wélu. 0erve wth c.M Some.thing new to ddins or cocktik -Waffe thin mnd package. ________________________ Leg of Sprimg Lamub Ikoast m', resh butf.rd peu and red fr ILbJiC dessert. Sounds invitiq, doesn't it? For,& refr.4,ing breakfast fruit3 àdessert.3 oro f., 28c Large Egg Plant Fry or bake. li's good eitker way. Assorted CoUd Cuts Add sliced Cheteau Cheese to the plate, and splendd Dutch lunch combinaton. 15Dc, 2bundles 16. 45c For fresh crisp salads or a fasty cooked vegefable. Lonmg JohnCanrots 9c Taste the equalled. -if jusf cant b. lb. 36c L.ake Superior White Fisk Bake or broil and garnish wîth sflced tomnatoes.l. \Santa Rosa Plums to qat. 1cook g wat.r 3 btàndle 27 Fine to caf as they or or to use for preserves or cooked desserts. Large square basket. 49c1 No tDo We elivélr te VoU JUNE 1. 936