Important June Sale: Beginaing Friday morn'ng all our dark staws and, many félis ilt beoffered as i 30% f.0 % 'R.d. lom Corne in while -the selec ion is lar. miss MeMahon IN TIME Wia1ners fût he -auual .field-day af Wilrnettc Public schoocls a>fear akw-eUpper Jeilis Goorg Bcker and upper right, Charles Morriscrn. Belote. iss Elizabeth Mayberry pins the wvinsier's *med*l on' Jack' McQuide. At the right: Quick glin annual field day of the Wil schols lield recently at the1 ,%est of Howard street. A seen the finish. of the fourtU FOR THE FOURTI- Our New MODERN 1 offert... AIWo Jarnal and Ztttb acinees Waves .... Mantlenft tW$10 $...6450 .Amy3 S...ty Thrft SPICIALS Shsu.poo, Fiugerwmi c, jrAreh for sj BUAUTY SALON Uindes Ave. LaCarita Wlmffe 45W0 grade girls 40ard qasn, and just neneath, Betty Hfuck and Patty Crawford (left) smile in victory, asý do (right) Doris Simons and Margaret Farrell. The fifth picture f romn the top shows thé start of the ctass "C" fifty yard dash. Next below, Jane Holmes, jean Temple, and Valerie Adamis, more place winners, and, to the rigbt, Sue Bowen smiles happily as Miss Janet Brown pins, on hostess to eigbt guests ne for luncheon anid bridge. Ai.. L, cnv at hnonr. will bethe Intert