£111 Miss jane Adair. 320 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, and a frienti, Mis% Hope Washburn of D~uluth, Minn.. sailed Wednesday ou- the Manhattan for a- tein.weeks',imotor tour throggh isit Franec,. They wilI Europe. Gerînany. England, Scôtland. Noçrwav and Sweden. 0o Miss Rosemnary, Day. 701 'Laurel avenue, bas, returneti for the sumnier vacation from tbe Frances Shimer school at Mt. Carroll, 111. 1137 Centtàl Ave. wilmette 79 Are You a Foot SUFFERER? Read-t he Waft tAds I I Get rid of your foot aiImellt.- ii.'w a td enjoy the squmnt" nonthx. DR. 1- H. OKEAN Foot specials.t Ave wimt's "n -... i Photo CariasPhotoToloff 'lIrs. flsais R. Aorria.(1 t) of Glencoec and MissThrsRc ofEaehicis ton. arc »renbers ofý the board of -jidgës of, the Chdld Beautîfi contest other ýtihe ts Evanston of Laveilnt; Reste is ssotw' earsssy is closhsnq date. 1 snsiber of tise board. L o e$ds QuartBrck of It. Crem 35 Mielc i r -.. A 4-f; Their interest in and knowledge of children as evidenced, by their disid I. tinguisbed leadership of welfare and be selected to judtge the tô Recital Yeur! three contest. Mrs. 'Norris is Lauritz Melchior. leading teno r 0f :auxiliary of junior e Xfetropoitan Opera compainy, 'Miss so.ciety. are i conopenling the in -ili be lhard rt of lie Artist-Recital series inl elected president president of the the Infant WelRew is the newly of -the Evanston k* Ille11» grade drugs andi chemicals. +" Fime andl Photo Dewelopmag 6 WEEK EDLI PCU TOASTED PECAN FRIESH STRAWBERRY HOUR SERVICE BLACK WALNUT 39FC Quart L atn -interpretatltis lhave for ten years, M elchior's '-.---critic. WVagner- Iwidiely distinguished kn inw prtraiis nu .41 - aa Pharniaer Wilnatiette R. H. McATEE, R.Ph. ue Wilmette Ave. andi Main St. PHONE WJL. SM3 FREE DELIVERY-SERVICE, base their decision oen highlighits lit the New York 1 The judges will of the contestants photographs on apalso bas He )peratiýc season. to them soon submitted be will at Covenent which extensivelv >eared at the end.. closes contest the after Berýarden, the Paris Gýrand Opera, n Staatsoper, Teatro Colon in of next week. Nine days remain. in which to en3tcenos Aires as well as at Bayreuth ter the contest. Ail Evanston and sid other festivals. north shore children ni> to 10 years old Leadiag Concert Artist eligible, and ail that is necessary bas are As a concert artist i f orrang~e for a: nhootgraph'withi . 1 Melchior 1147 Wilm.ttej Avenue Wfilmeu#e 340 Italian and French as wellas Gernian1 Miss Thi repertoire. His brilliant concert and1 were bri4 operatic singing bas..won bhim many wedding., and' Miss Pierson's rorrest in Mrs.