124LTN2-lte WOODED ACREAGE ON WAGNER ROAI). WATER AND electricity available. For residentli use only. Qu4et side road lu good neighborhood. One of the few"iremaining wouded parcels west of the Norta Shore. Near 'Forest -Preserve and bridie path., ON WILLOW ROAD, NEAR SUNSET Rig.ý One acre. beautifuily: wooded. near sehool and transportation. Laite water avallable. )Priced to sedi. Waulkegan Road WYAT Glenview, Phone 01 124LTN2-ltp & COON s ON THE TELEURAVII ROAP 13Etween, Hait Day Road (Route 22). and Oldf Mill Road, with one' acre prlvateroad.lined. Wlth. em trees leadtng bac 16the 20. acres. Lake Forost water, electriclty. gas., telephone avaldaist Ïbe or country -Low iprîce. Sec our aigu on propbery. .home. 21 ACRES 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 328 Parkç Av~enue,. Glencoe. G~incoe 13 _______________124LTN2-ltc McGUIRE & ORR, Ince WE HAVE A CHARMIG BIT OF wooded a.creage west of Winnetka which we can offer at $2.750 per acre -2 acres' up. NIRS. FULLER & WM. PICKARD 746 Elm Street Winnetka 3603 124LTN2-lte RWAL_ STAIELOAN____ WE ARE IN THE MARLKET FOR DEsirblebuidin lonson weil-located PilVemfli, IOf )rrustees of theo Village of Wllmette. Plans, specifications and' proposa, NICHOLAS P. MILLERt, eun room and uresmcast roomü; 011 forms for the construction of SectIon Village clerk. iieat;ý 2-car -garage; grounde héaviiy ayb obtained from theI Dated May 19, 1936. wooded.and feaiced 95x150; 2 bikte. to No. ,5 C60 lakte, Hubbard Woods section conv. to trans. ýand, school. Long term mtge. TOWNSHIIP SUPEF»lV8oWlg ANNUAIL kPORT OF FuNDbs ECEIVE» WNouid exchange fer clear vacant. 'acreAX<B- DINBUIWEJJ FOR. THE, FISCAL TEAIR y.ND1N G MARBEiI 81,:1981 age. or possibly sm-41ler home. STATEI OF ILLINOIS COUNTY 0F COOK S TOWN OF NEW TRIJ 725 EIm St., Wifnnetka' Winnetka 3500 ornese o TownSurvr 12$LTNS-ltc The following is a rumarized statement by Gertrude M. Thurston, Supervisor of the Town of New Trie, in'the, County and State aforesaid,- of the amount. of public funda reoeived and expended by her during7 the fiscal year Jast closed, endlng ohn:the thiirty-tirst day of. March, A. D.. 1930,'showlng the amount of publid funds on band.at the comimencemen t of said fiscal year, thes COMPLETE, RECONDITIONED AND amnount of public funds received and frm hat sources receeved. the amount of GLJARANTEED. - ALL SIZES. public funds expended, and for *bat purposes expended, during said fiscal year, PRICED -FROM $30 TO $100 ending as aforesaid. The ertrde aid M Thusto, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, 1 REPOSSESSIJIAND> 2 NEW '1935 FUGIDAIRES AT A BIG SAVING. that the foliowing statement by her subscrilbed i15-a correct statement of the SCONVENIUINT TERMS amount of *public funds on hand at the comncementL of the fiscal year NORTHI SHORE. REFRIGERATION Co.; above stated, thae amnount of publié funds received, and the sourc es from whlh Authotzed Frigidaires Sales & 'Service received, and *the amount expended, and purposes for' whlch expended,. as Winn. 671 1551 Maple Ave., Evan. set fôrth in said statement. Gertrude M. Tiauruton. Subsoribed and s*orn to before me, this 31st day of March, A. D. 1936. IIdmftid W. Burki1e, Justice of then 1'âé. Stateenst eofIeeIlpts, Suwary of Expeaadtures, and BàJane on Rand RECEIPTS-1935-36 $19,336.22 ............................. Balance on hand March 26, 1935 .... 303.66 Sanborn Hale, collections on 1933 taxes...... ..................... 11.16X Excess commissions on same ...... ......................... 10,000.00 On acet. excess commaissions, 1934. taxes.............. ............ 4,707.84 From County Trea:i.--1932-33-34 collections and previous ............. 204.50 Payments of taxpayers for Twp. weed-cutting..... .................. ... 5.00 Mise. ...... ................................................ E. SAWYeRSMITHI Construction Loans ..................... .. 8.36i368.38 t>ISBURSEMENTS- 1935-36 Board meetings...................................... ......... $ 131.50 ........... ... 710.02 Salary supervsor .4.. .. ...... ..... 216.00 Au~to maintenance .................. 8.. . ..... . .. .. . .. . ..... .. . ... Clerk.... Hilghway coraulssl<>ner. ... .......... ... 800.00 Towniship Health B)oard- ............... T. B. çl ic ..................... Townshitp office vont. ........ . .......... ... ...... 8/31/36-Receipts 100 Ove 40 Tearu of Depei 910 Davis St., Ulvauaton FHA LOANS wlll be sac. for immedi te sa n items of interest ine. rar Ol1u and antique sofa. For a netka 2067. FURN. OF BEAUT. GLE INCLUDING TWIN, B en imel. Very cheap. Avenue, Wilmette. I11. 5-PeceBedroi Preuaiums -oh officiai bonds ...... ........ .. 3,164.04 588.38 Noxieus Weeds Commissioner. ................... .......... .500.00 Collector, to defray expeuses on excess collections. ............. ..... 100.00 Township attorney's fee ........... ................. ...... 28.75 Emergency charity.......... .............................. ........ .... ..... 204.46 Printing....... ........ ...... ................ 295.65 ............ Contingent- expenses .. ...... ...... ...... .......... 37.68 ..... .... ....... ...... ................. Suppli es............. ......................... 3/31/36-Recelpîs........ .. ..... Diabursemeits ........... ... ......... -.... . ................ ý$36,368.38 8,121.23 180.00 ... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . 28,247.15 Balance . . . TOWNSHIP TREASUREB'S A-XNUAL REPOR~T OF FUNBS ILECEIVEJ> ANDI> JIS1WJSEB F OU THE FISCAL IBAR ENINYOMARCM 1il *, 39*0 STATR OF ILLINOIS 1 Total Receipta...................... Total Expsndltures '............ .................. Wmufr 32 Un fy7317 ,Balance,........................................................