Pôwerful draina indeed is "Thej a planeof whicli Fred MacMurrav is Petrified Forest," which has been 1 777-7 the Pilot, is Jo0an schieduled by Teatro del Lago for thisý!Ben nett, whois1 ducks the blôws of the middleweight Thursday, Fridav, 'and Saturday. AIhurrying to: Sani champion in a brawl, Lloyd *gave though its are barren and 1 Franiscio. and everybody a splend.idly'hilarions tinie. .Two fier ce pugilists proceed to-try stark. and somne of. bis characters i F'r e d Keatinig, iarsb and 11gly. its themne is tender ý0*bo is d e t e r - to knodck the, comtedan's block off. In and its principal, character an- idealist IM ini e d t'O stop, the assortmient of footwork that nîaking a supreme and gallant' Lloyd uses to escape, every dance step bratilcss ge-St ure. Oiher passen- is introduced f romn the tribal stomp, Lesie Howard, futilly artisti, ers are Brian. of angered aborigines to the bubblewanders into a lonely oasis, in the cbasing flutters of Sally Rand. .. o...I..v...a. Arizona de sert,,,vhere is Bett DaisMAan Ba x t e r RETURN HOME Whio seeks outside intere§ts, -Then, wbo are'shadowMr. and Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng, as tbey fali in love, a des4perado killer Fred MacMurrày i .g one. another, turuis the ranch into, a fort.. Then, and ZaSui Pitts, nursemaid to a smart- .and their 4augbters, Ilsie, Marylin, Gwendelin, and. Mary, jane, 401 Lake willing to sacrifice himself for Bette,. lc onsc. We hvae. Leslie mnakes a deal witb -the banditfored a blizzard to ýmake -anl avenue, are in Wilmetté.after spendto î~rasur potetio. Ianding. the. bad mnx of ing_ six months at their home on Sil~Folow ver lake, near Leesburg, FIa. nther Hijthéparti tat'S. sooting "Flowthe Flee,," with Fred As'Murder under the big top is thel AT BOARD MEETING taire and Ginger Rogers, to be seen theme of "Charlie Chani at the C:ircus,"1 Mrs. Iarry E, 'Smo~ot) .901 Central on Teâtro's screen Su$day, Mlonday3, the Varsity"s attraction next WediesTtiesdav, and WVednesday. is another day and Thursdav. In the midst of avenue, is ini Peoria'today- (thursday), bit for its co-stars. New Songs, in-: the freaks, clowns, acrobats and ani- to attend the board meeting of the troduced bY the film, whicb the whole ' mals Charlie discovers a mystery; Illinois Republican Women's club of which she is recording1 secretary. Fricountry lias been singi.ng, include: solves with unhurried precision.. day she will attend the Republican -Get l'lie Belinid NMe," "\\'e Saw convention t-here. the Sea," "Here ArnV' " Let Your- M nWanted He Iý .settings Feature, Starts Tfiirs., Fr1. 7:-40, 9:-45 Featute Starta Sat* 2. 4, 6. 8, le Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed.. May 24-25-26-27 Ls U OWard-Bett Dadas *... "VIl]OLL@W TM' lred Astàfr*-Ginger Rgme Feature starts Sun. 2:30,t4 :.,0 7:1à, 9:40 Feqtture Starts Mon., Tues., Wed 7:30, 9:50 Thur's., Fr!., May 28-29 .emergency BUGL Fea.turay ASE 1IAWW self Go" and "I'm Putti.ng Ail N%Ma Eggs ini One Basket." team brkenby nisunersandng. Fred* Astaire, one of its members, The story is thiat of a dancingArse Friday H r A rse nR cn nR cn the police department at .1-t .dte imet Edgardo Simoni, the Italian sculptor, was the. week-end bouse guest of the Robert W. Bruces, 514 Eighth H-e dîscovers, too, that lie loves lier I Sergeant Hfernian Vance ivent to muore than evecr before. But hie ac- Racinie and brought the prisoner, who cidentally ruins lier chances of mak- waived extradition, back here for znga ucsfl uiin adte rraignment. After an examination uxakes everything aIl riglit again bv by ljealth Commissioner Martin H. hielping her put aéross a musical Seifert, be vas sent to the psycho'conedy on a shoe string. The picture pathic hospital for observation and also -introdu.ces a newv personality to!%vilî be prosecuted later if found sane. the cinemia: Harriet Hilliard. For more than .a Year the localde partment bias been searcbing for the perpetrator of the crime. A woni: DENY PERMIT t-va-.