past 12 years out our business probIe corNorth Shore Smany and speedily. rectly OWAKONZE IN CANADA do the things they want-to- do, with have spent bys re iornies,*mo it ail with And W. L. ("lDuke" ) Childs, for more the best of friends to, share their. vasumînmer their somùethiixg for, désire the ever,, tban physical theadventur'es. than 20 years head of ini this Cation can en the family several of that education department-of New Tri erý The season la eight weeks long iiortheérn ,,retreat. joy together. An ever increasing High school, is1 the resident: direct or Iooking are This years eightof 'people number on boys for camps Owakonze -the. of enfishîng to and boating week e nc amiP-7 toward, Baril lakte, Ont. montbs. five next, the ment wiIl start during joy *'n onsiderîing plans for the' boy's hee portsdocontinue into 1~r july, 1_ summer,"ý Mr. Childs advised. this October for many. The camp staff weelc, "Parents should first seek to twenty,ice a I took Personally, ided into two> isdi Bob ownh find what the boy needs and where onie inch Bass on the twelfth day groups. aàduit or it can best be secured. c>f last Octoher. He Was one. of matti1re meni and college' underclass-' 'First among these.needs,, is -a five good fish for the days outing. men. One adult and -one college mianï change-ýa complete chanige-from an Wby flot icorne and see me about are together assýigùed te 10 boys. Thc environment of dependence on others boats and motors, and talk over older counsellors. are for the miost to one, where .âhemust depend- upoil your possible ;plans. It wiIl be ia part actively engaged in, coaching, himself. He needs ideal conditions. for growth, for health, and 'for the and will begin on July S. A have,î .-good relaxation to do so. Ken 5is teaching. or soitie phase ot physical for suifferers from hay fever and a good scout to chat with too. direction with boys. development of social adjustments. boys may stay until October asthma, B3ob Townley, physical director of "He needs an, to be put shotlhm&dsthe jtinicr KeiitiVwot1h indttlfltltô develophis upôji 1îs ôouh, Thie scouting division. and camp ality throiugh playing a real part in and gueuts, during September. govern-c forbidden-by the Canadian M1Valof charge in be will camp senior a life which lie can -understand," Mr. but each.,year the Stoney tribes For-, INDIAN4 DAYS AT BANFF ment, Childs added. treks fromn the reserve at Morley. ter Johnson, a graduate of Lake In the days before the white maii to pitch their tents, chant theire est college. Arnold Bridges, a graduLocated in a vast country, much of came, the Stoney Indians held their tribal songs and perform. thie less ate of Northwestern universitv anid a lored, its pine forests ful ý 1-ý its waters unfisbed, after summer ceremonies in late July in war-Iike dances ini the park-like meflhler of of school routine, boys the Sun Dance Canyon in Banff Na- area below Banff Springs H-otel. the faculty N ew'. and full pportunity to tional Park. The sun dance is 1>0w Dressed in their exquisiteJy beaded o f High Trier costumes, braves ini fulli-%var bonnets, is school, ____________ miVIUf. U UIUme Yucould flot inake an investtentl'or your daughter which would pay greater dividends than a, vacation in the great North Woods at Whispering Pines !etwo square his of the Canadian Rockies, a more elaborate festival thani usuial is promn ised. The oId chiefs who more than forty years ago instituted these inilder celebrations have passed aloing to the Happy Huniting Grountds, but the younger meni proudly treasure the traditions of their tribe. anid their performance is accurate to the last detail. _______________tain; -r vos:D cl ef Jacb doca m er 1)ocrtor: Her rtSii 1 muons, Lake F'orest Win-, t e r clIub, boxing instruci western univers Dorrenc natural AI Lind'. North-. 1935 football caplygaard. Howard, 210 BROADWAY AVENUE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS. 1100