Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1936, p. 3

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Martlnek, U. S. N. R. bas been secured to niake. the. Memorial Day. address at %Vilmiette Village hall, a higbligbt on the day's prograini hich wil1l. be crowded. with many unusualfeattures. t.:C6inrdt.'Martinek's life of ad- Board Approves. Street venture ini both peace and war preImprovement Projects pareshm to. being a spectatular message which wilI interest. everyone A^ resolution presented to the Vil*who is fortunate enough to hear hum. lage board Tuesday night 1by Trustee His distinguished*war record qualifies George F. Iliff, chairm an of the conihim'in tbe eyes of every service man. mlittee on streets -and a1lîys, and His position as assistant vice-presidenit ad Mdan, authorized the Village in charge of personnel of, thé Stand- ager to dvertise for bidi for the ard QOil :«Comàpany. of. Indiana, con-' widening of Ridge . road, between niands the respe ct of, business. and Birchwood avenue and Forest aveprof essional men. His identity a s nue. The improvement is to consist the creator of ýthe highly successful of concrete pavement. to a widtb of adventure strip "Doôn ,Winslow of the 42 feet, face to face, of the curbs. Navy," which appears in the Chicago Also for the resurfacing by bitumxin-e DPaily News ýand 165 ýother .papers ous treatmtiit over the present brick throughout the world assUires even pavement, of Wilmette avenue, from the boys and girls that he can share Lake avenue to Elmwood avenue, their viewpoint. and Tentli street between IEhnwood Brillant Record avenue and the north Village limits.. Frank Martinek began bis career Both projects are to be made froni as a reporter on the old Chicago *the Village's share of the gasoline Herald. There lie became interested *tax fund. It is said that cement for and expert in scientifiç crime detec- the improvements will not be fur-, tion and during the World war was nishied'by the Village. According to called to Washington to serve in the the advertisement, which appears on office of Naval intelligence. He was another page 'of this issue, bids will later appointed fleet intelligence of- be received until 8 o'clock the night fice. r ofItheAsiatic fleet. of June 2 1936. n oucs tir1 t. u. *ra'* v Ridge road-Fron' south linits to aircnwooa avenue. prhour. Ridge road-Froiu Birchwood avenue to Lake avenue, per boUr. 1ndFrrnn Lake avenue to north limits, 30 miles PiÉl . dto west linjits, 35, miles Lake avenue-Froml Ridge roac .u miles 25 miles per hour. pet houri F. _Bowýers, Jr., former captai. in the A. E. F,, past commander of the Ad Post of. the Amnerican -Legioni and distinguished journalit and' author, whose subject will be ",Ano6ther Memnorial Day." the parade will forîn on Kenilworth avenue. just east1 of Warwick~ road, and will march to the. village mnemorial parlé. In the parade wifl be the speakers of the day,, the -Jo-. seph. Sears school druin and bugle 1Corps,. wreath bearers. Boy scouts, Cubs, Junior Hikers, Girl Scouts, and Brownies. Serdi..At um<mUm.t I Begin Wrkon, Memorial Pool at New Triýer Work:,on -the student memorial to Mr's., Winifred Mickey von. Meding, former plupil as weil as teacher at New Trier Hligh, who died almost two years ago, was begun this week. The memorial, the, gift of last June%'sgraduatinàg cla$s, is to be finished in tîime for commencement, it was-. annoî*nced by Frederick C. Windoes ' head of the science faculty of the schooi, who headed the coinmittet in charge of the selection of the memorial. He declined to reveal the cost of the project but declared' that, money left for the purpose by former students would be ample. Tod Whu'p1pr. former N4ew At the memorial park there will be commemoratîve services at the monument, conducted by the Rev. Leland Hobart Dan forth. Following the services, the parade willnmarth'to th Ken16lIth clb, where there will be a flag raising by the Boy Scouts, and the pledge to the flag led by students of - New Trier High school and of Joseph Sears school. WiD Slag Nati.uaI Autm The national anthem, "The Star Trier Spangled Banner» will be sung by the audience, and the invocation warded for his valor with several foreign decorations, .Was -Federal Pýpèi*I Immediately after the war, Martinek was, for a short time a federal operative for the United States Governinent, His knowledge led to bis preselit important Position in ini- reported to the Village boa. day night that the request mette Home Owners ass made recently to the State . departinent through the 'b reduce the maximum speed mobiles on Sheridan road miles to 25 milesper hour; 1 TuesThe pool, of the reflecting type, Nacted y g Bqarbaa Wa1, Chu f Wil- wiltbe built in the shadow of juniper e a chappelBarara s nsdwiI Dll. Louis c6e wil it iation, trees, and the wall behind The meumorial Boys" and ç;eorge H. Ril 1ibw1IY planted. with vines. rd, to will be located in the court of the high a vo:calî seledlpon, accta iauto- school near the west wiog and the Walter Marx. Mr. Pi ém3 physical science and ipusic, dass then introduce the speà il been rooms. kv. ron the !r of wi im

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