in~ that occasion by havig many residents there. Wilmette especially played its part, because oô*n the çonfereaIce. board, the Womian's Club: of Wilmfette h.las two, members,, Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, and Mrs. HarveyA.. Bush. It is the only. club among the. more than. three, hundredý member clubs to, be so represente.d. Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Kline were ait the long speaker's table, 'hostesses, for the day with 'other members of thiat board. Reallyý impressive was the occasion. It arouscd more than a. feeling of! satisfactiitm over a festive day and a splendid program. It left a feeling soinewliat indescribable. - thoughitp>rovokiig.. To Dr. Kagawa leading ainisters of Chicago ëhurch groups of, sev-eral creeds paid tribute Satur-. dav at that breakfast in the Grand ballroemon ~f the Stevens, erowdedl eveni to the balcony and foyer .with table., at whic 2,20W persons were seated, the largest assemblage sucb ani event lias attracted. The guest of honor was named as onie of the four greatest humanitariaus of this age. Listening to the sincere tributes of the ranking church leaders onie feit that they as one bcieved him to be inspired in bis life *n.,.Lk brief, dramatic, modern. Japanesel.symbolism ifiuenced the decorations of the speaker's table, the committee for which was, assistied by Xfrs., Edward L Scb.eidenhelm of Wilmette. The day, was well wortb rememnbering.-J.T-B. Luncheon . .Tea .. Brdge Bsrrington ~l i hIdoors or on the Terrace Te lephone for.Resevtionis (3z ver, SPAULDI NO GORHAM )QDHosIEI Y Y! of sredi .he doctr~ ineo to-g 1Ainer wnr areI poo ;1JJ friendless, to go where no one wa to go, to go where no one did àj Sluin clearance, world peace, are banners he carrnes. The arousing. nuturing of the feeling of huma * tarianism in individuals all oVrer world is the goal toward which steps are set. His voice, insisti persistent, while living for thirt, * years in the sluns of jal could not be downed. The re! You wil and »cuare as o An4 1636 OU INSION AVENUE EVAJISTON ared, is w~ ie1world. &agawa isugh lis gentle, re, 'I -il