intercoillegiate champion and runnerup in last year's national intercol-, legiaàte. Coach Ted Payseur bas eight players fightîng it out for the six position% on the team thatwill represent Nortliwestern in thé nationals.. Only four of these, players wil compete in the Big Ten championsbips, to be lield at Kildeer here May. 18 and 19. Pick Wagner, a junior, playing his first year on the, squad, bholds down No. 1 position. on the team by virtue Of his two Up victory over Haas in. the Louisianla match. This ,victoéryl evenced the score, between the twol. bov', since*it was H-aas wbo elimt.i-1 nated WVagner in the quarter finals' of the -national amateur champion ship Sa.l Big Hlp. Tomn Saielli. captain and senior, hioldls down No. 2 position>. He is1 011C Of the steadest players ini the' conierence and bis long experiencel in bothi the Big Ten and National; lIitricollegiates- is expected 10 l)rove, a big aid for the Wildcats ini tis, vcars tournaments. P,111 Kostele.cky and Jim M-\arek. tvô: more newcomers, are plaving Xo. 3!ý andl 4 at the present time. The other CoiuttIn -le. Keen Obiserve Shabuoth. At sundown Tuesday May 26 the jcwishi people wilI begin the obServance of Shabuoth, or Feast of 'Weeks, wbich symbolizes the re-dedication of the people of Israel to the moral principles embodied ini the Ten Commnandments. Reform Jewry observes onme day, while the Orthodox Tescelebrate two days. I costi"g iveT owo p .uu ount rseiq xuuli Gd 726 Elm Sren' vw~