Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1936, p. 8

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<tin~aIi<' y 1 ehoarllmusical coimiit ll lbe obthe'Sacranini. Cplenient The choir treets. fr;r rehe-arsal tlfls The ninlal progr.jm at the siervice norning ait the s>«ved noxl $u,1dity ,"Pi' As'vening (Thursday)> at 8 o'clock In the rl will bic as<flw: Urmli) and preach<lose of the< U'ttuhir Dr. Ht*bert'Carlet'on, rector It is important that: room. Hn)lherg'n Zeit>, <rleg; anthei, oRige, .iJuniopr Ing sesrvice. The choir' Hlarling , oloéivery mîember be pré-sent. (Crt)wnéýd With' JJght" -The Lord s11My Shepherd,' idie stcason closes May 31. Sunday, May 24, will be the Sund;ty Standay, elt lcoards By agreemnt There, wiiI î), acter th-.Ascension. "M',irch" Ctis O pontiu<ie, Ed wa rd an ie,.ening of*JrJ. Comninon at 8 a. M., Chu'i June 7, lx UGraduion l)ay for al derolo "A Spring <Athailé> M'endeissohn.. schooi. The Ciurch. tunr m.prmnsof t9:5 lse n il gamts and. extertainmentý-.wll be spon- 'ho m Bibles wil hé 9:30 storïed bY the, We!îleyan Service Guild MlornIng Prayer wth sermon at 11,P. )Il, a-wards 'of diplomnas ad t The SundaLy shâlmmade and promnotionq annioonred for the o'ip.Thé. Aduit Blé iblecass wil on Friday evtnirng, Way 22, in the GréatIt is a union service Èiaeudrteasie~*rFi eniester. A Tirckets may be obtaintd frorn hai11. 'ét at 10 'îc. any membero h1Gid St. Augutines -A tar GuIld wilf be given at i 1ln Iii hch the church is host to tomorow .<Fridavya eveninif at 8,A15' in its own Sehool of Religion. rThe Past<r's Pre.nzra.toyvcias The Second divigion meets Friday, The procéedâ i f teParish House. thoHe wlsh4lng trk jjin the chur<:h will May 22w, at 1 0:31) o'cl-ock at the, home the' concert will be for thé. benefit "'f REGULAI ANN1OVNCEMENTS met at 9 :36 o'clock. <f Mrs. O. EB. Fuehs, 206 Woodstoelk the Guild. The programi will hé foun<I Sunday-9 :30. a. nM., Church school for C-hsee: ail departniénts; '11 a. in., Beginners' on anothér 'page of this Issue. Junior '-hur<-h wilI care for the littie avenue,.1Kénilworth. departnfient - Il a. ni., World -Friendship foIkx d'iring the morning worship merv- UMestdamies Rbert Wooden, C. G. Hohart, and . H.Bird. Next Tuesday, May l6, thé 'amnil group. Ili;. nm., Momning Church, Serv*Ice. Diocesan Acolytes' service will be hý-Id ce and Communion;-,5:30 p. mi., Young The newiy'appointe di Officiai Board; in St.. Bartholomnew's churchi. 6720 Stew- People."$,meeting. 'The TuxIs (lui> witt mc-et at 5 :20 Noninating wiiI meet Mo,- art avenue. Tutsday-ý3:30 p. m... Camp Pire Girls; The; service Js at 7:30 o'cbsrk. Thé newly -efe-td!d officers witi day evening, conmittée May 25, at 8 O.clock' at m >i. Dean Brinker, rector of St. Barth- 7:30 p. mi., Boy. Scout Troop No. 1. hé ing4talied, who are as follows: Pres- thë church. The members 'are J. D. Wednesday - 3 :30 p. ni., Brownles; '.lk.me Vs, will sing Evensongi,at which Iidént, Cathtrine Gates; vie e.-presidt!nt, .(,*(x. Ai L. Fuller, B. F. Lewis, Jr., Bi'.hop Stewart will, pontificale. The 7:30 P. .ni., Boy Scout Troop No. 2. Frank ConiIarild Bergman;acrtr, Thursday.3 :30 p. mi., Girls' choir neEllen T. C. MouldIng, and, Horaîc*-.A. 'Young. Rev. Dr. Stoskopf will be the presthé-r. Mocon. dit; treamurer, (hr# Supper will be served ln St. Barth- hearsal. 4 p. -m., Boys' choir. rehearsal; Jeaýn Torre>' wiil lead thé me"etlng, with The Third division ls having a "'Run i-ý oplomnew's Parish House at 6 p. an. -A 7 :15 p. ni., Senior choir. rehéarsal, the tople. "The Tes~t of Real Itrtligion." mage, and What-Not Salé" today and goodly ýdélegation of. St.>Awru'néà's .Saturday-10 :30 a. ni., Girls' choir (Thursday, and Friday> in Aeolytes' Guild, Mr. J. J. Walworth,i rehéarsal; il a. ni,"Boys' choir neThe Boy Si'outs wiii. meet Monday tomorrow' the' church basément. liresidetit, is expeeted. to attend the hearsal. eveniiig. supper and the service. Girl Scut Troop 1Is bakvi*lg a dinner of the Wobman's.society and * 1hp Court of Awards tonight (ThursThe annual Spring Outing of tht' wiil meet as follows: No. 10 with Mn,. at 6 :30 o'clock in thé Great lHall. l3rotherhood of St. Andrew ln thé ChiTiplady, 814 Forest aven~ue, lvanstcon, dJay> of troop. niembers are Jnvited. 1 Wilmette and Park avenues cago région wili hé held at St. Alban's with Mrm. Schmidt as cof-hostc-ms. at 1 P'arents will bé the last regular meet--în'4 J. H. Gockel, pastor ".hoSycamore, Ill., on Saturday,i o'lock ; No. 11 with Mrs. B. M. Hilton. This sea^son. this of our high scliool tropp for 726 Ninth street, for an aIl-day meet- An "ovérnight" wiIl be held Friday -May' 23. Games and sports will begfin r SERVICES ait 21p. n.; Chapel Service at 5:30 p. nm., ing; No.; 12 with Mrs. Charles Moody, night.1 1) p. a.-Today-Ascénsion Day servandsupper at 6 p.,nm. At 61:15 Bishou Charles Mrs. with avenue. Forest 700 Stewart wili address the gathering, his ice. Wells,. co-hostesa, at 12 :30 o<te.Spr>ki The Fitth division wili have a party tf'èpie being: "A Message to Laynt." 9 :1,5 a. ni.-First Sunda>' service. 3 wJll meét with Mm'.. R. T. Hio'king, Saturday, June 6, at 8 o'clock at thé 9ý:30 a. n.-Sunday school and Bible ,\djournrnent will be 7:30 p. mi. 818 Park avenue, for a 1 o'ciock lunch- home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Héenderson, classes. eon, on Tuesday. May' 26. Mrs. George 1200 Greenwd avenue. Il a. m.-Second service'. The Diocèse of. Chicago will celbbrate Turner wlit finish. revJewing the stud-y Iliop's Day with the parents and rbook.* The Sixth division will meet Tuesd*ay,. onTes Ef theUnoc Sh oledro Fnida>', 8 St. A ugustines rn1atce% St. John's i ut he ri n nmng a tte :nurch. '"kIijah" oratorio) Mendelssohn Tnr(-12 -30 p. n.-Luncfteon-Mris. 'rector. Girl Hcouts willl meet at thé IL Thé, G. Taylor, 541 Keniiworth avc-iue; Anthemn-"Ye Men of Gallie".. cnuren Saturaa. F~~ifth-1 3 0 a. m.Ms Edwin . Offertory-"My Hope Is thé EverasatThe Communion mervice will ho héld ing . ... ..... Stainér Youngerg,428 inthatrét. Rev. John G, Jundle>', minister Sunday morning, June 7, with réception The lSeio-"Our Exalted Lord àand or new ambiers. Pentecost lé Ma>' 31. In thé early Savior" .... .. Mark 16:14-20 "Thé Highway of thé Cross" will be)e Postltûle-Festival Mardi ...... church Pentecost niarked thé beginning Kindér will hé Thé Children'a Day exorciés tof the Christian niovernent. It is liolt(ýd thé minister's sermon thémninxC Suno'clock. Il héld Suada>', June 14. at 10:30 that thé observance of Pentecost tils dayXrnorning at thé il o'clock worship Thé order of service on Sunday at Mrs. .. T. Booz la in charge of thé year niay inean much to thée.memibers service. Thé music, ln charge of Mibu il o'ciock wili include thé following: follows: hé as will frend hischuch.Emnil>'Roberts, iiii of prograni. a idfréns f hi curh.Prelude-Elevation........ .... ýElgar ri'reiudé-"Thou Hast Overthrown Thine Eftemles" (EiJah> -. Mendelssohn M4aster xlet. Me l,ik Wgt 1Introlt-"Hear, 0 Lord" .,. Schniauck .* First. Con gregational *The 515 nUPIll.A T'he Board oh Religoions dUèatiou on Page 19)

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