-Mr. -J E". t_ - __-I - - £WA"" ikT ensoit, superintendent; Miss D. Guode, set. 8 pleces, in very good condition.' Mis 1H. Kuepper, Miss J. Miller, Miss CHVAP. Phone WILMETTE 4644. J. uno 129LTN1-ltp) JIunior départment-j.* P. Ballimni, wiro. TO Uuy-NUEHLD. sOOss suierintendent; Mrs. S. Johnson, Mrs, E. GÀ. Goode. Miss J. Upson, Mr. H: King,,I CASH FOR YOUR USED PKJRNTURE, Mr. FI. Uindley mode r î antique* and other bonne- *Initermediate dePartment-,Mrs. W. A. huatce 1Wii mdeo accépt your furnture on con- Pjc(hiirdson, suiperintendent.; Mrs. A. A. 1 îtimept basis. Wie~eMrs. 'B. A. Polzin,, H. Milier,1 C. i. Drllg, nd J Perso. . CROST FURNITURE STORE J..DringdeandJ.Pesnt . B TMotI ~ Etabllehed 1898 Senir dparmen-A. ...Tueier 100-8 amesoSt.E'vanston UiL. 0189' superintendent; E. Trice, J Wedgewood, eroSt. 10T4-f and G. W. Putnam. Tue JUGULAR NOTICES WE BUY FURNITUREl. TeCamp Fire Girls, Brownles, Boy RUOS. STOVES. MEN~S & WOMEN'S Seuuts, and ýJunior arid Seior ch'irs e lothing. uhhes., etc. Phone, University uîii ineet ai their regular perlods. 1 30LTN52-4tl) GREý'ENLEAF 1005 Englisiz Lutheran uî';nî,sT PRIVE 1 PAID FOR UE Seventh -street at Greenleaf rfrniture,. rugs, entire flats or .1 piece. "A House of Worshlp"___ 13OLTN1itlp The Rev. Dav'id -R. Kabele, pastor FOR SALE- ISCRLLAN .OUO C'h schoAYSERICSP:45 a. ni. Law1Tl e Bargains Mrngw'orship I 1 . 12. " DI.AMEITER,,ALL .StEEL. PHONE Luther, league . :3 .m. Kefllworth 5472 for price and pic- The mnusic for the service of *orslï uc 0e.Pvl rs. elwrh next sunday mornlng Is as followms: .- U. 311TN1-1tc- OrgatnPreIudeýPrâyer ...Rftvaiielléô dOMBIN1ATION ROLLER AND AuihejiConeUntQ Me _Tschaikowskvý walker, baby ,wales, nursery pail The Senior Choir e ttc. -Xls) set of1 reducing revords. Kenil- Sh-11y Task .sfr worth ;,1018 after 10) a. mi.' 3ILTNI1Up l>siiI-~asoofroni "Water Music., t an, oxford gray and tuxedo. Pur- ................1-la ndel ob>ied at Hart Schaffner & Marx. Ver.v Vitri cLeod-Mintstry of Music goodcondition. Very reas. Giencoe 323. Wotun'ssocetyon ridy ~teroonof ________3ILT1ll A SPRING TEA will ýbe giv.ýn by the MOTDRS ARC NL sllk,ý metai cloth, Liberty cotton and this week to which ail are wAlcome. lacue, ini dress Iength. WVlil separate The tintle iS 2 :30 o'ciock. A very Oine, -Verv rea1s. 509 Drexel Avenue, Glencoe, prograni has been arranged ývith miusic I 3LN-t by> the Akeiy Trio,_and Mrs. Dradway -..i1LN-t wnu lrev.eW Sgred Unstedt's book, -The 1,1,gest ar" Senior~ choir rehearsai, Friday evenlîag at 7:30cik. .Junior choir ireheari-. , ýaturda-y nmoi'ning at 10 o'clock. Our c'hurch sehool convenes eac.h Sun- day niorning at 9 :45 o'clock with c-Lasýses for aIll The Christian Life course Is ,used and we have a very fine ,staff of teaéhe rs ' Give, your chlldren, the ad- vantage of this fie sehool and bring theni next' Sunday tnÔ'rning. Attend church next: Sunday, servie begn t il .ciock. Trhe Luther league wil meet on day evenlng -at 6:30 o'clock. M4] dahi wil présent the topie. Younjî pifi are niost cordlly Invited to this fine fellowship. Our. I Suni- tg Peo- enjoy forcvery sumamer activity await thrifty shoppersa dii. weck in Your Home Paper. To save money why not get tho habit so, many have acqmfred. Shop irst through the messges of ADVERTISER 4j & P Food Stores . . . . . . . . . PAGE ADVERTISE R 1; Bernile Studio...........si Bishoôp Furs,............24 '0 1oo, ic...... ........38 Buea rd »rug Store ........4, à Braulet.Sium4er Shop 3 Brauun Brog. 011 Co. .... ....... Si, 88, Caver IV, Bremner Bros.........1 Blurns Togrgery .......... e...... a Chadlr'..................8 hfao& Northwesterim. Ry. 24 Christian 44eicuce Churrh 8 12 Colib & ýson ..._30 t.e A CO., Aimer .... si Colby Fumuitur@ Co4 ('OMMunlty Theatre 7 CMop. The.. ...... .....'1 Davis FuruituireiCirafttni....2S lbledrleh, Etyth ...... 48 MbarshiiField k Co.- .88, 41, 49 iICDofough &,Strand .. ..... MIcloôdy Parms Da.iry ...1 Mishi 3lokwa Camp ...... Mizn, Frederie ..... .... 48 Maurine Co. ... .....8, 78 %ahigan itros .. .... A -Ne'bman, Mylvia .......81 North Shore Day camip ....... 2 Nortit -Shore Refrlgerïtion Co.. 71 011I Weil. The ..... . 8 Oken, M. B. ........ * Old llanslinThe ...5......a Paglila ulo, 1) .... .. Palace Food% , ..... ... Peaeuck, C. 1)........8 PèneocI te Cmeam....... Pool & Piper .......23 Portiamd ('enent. Raty. Engene L. si3 Reed. Eliza beth .... 14' Renseb Warehon'ie . I Real Estate and Building Directory -11 ýED GARAGE A 2-CAR GARAGE. Ma rtin's Clothinl 742 Cuater, tato Junk Deler-G HIGHtEST PRICE PAID1 zIneS7 and all miscelnec WivLMETTE 5426 I ADVERTISER PAGE Amenrlean WIre Fene. Co. . .12 Anderson, Édw. A. . .... . 14 Bailders' Service"... -......2 Carlen, Albin .........44 B'ary Co . .........h floveumueble, mne ....... 70, .Eckert, J. M............ $9 lut Fedemni Savings & Loan £2 Hfatlng Service Co. ... 0,78 Hlemphili 4A Assoclates, C. A ...... ..........£ Hiollander & Soni M. £7 Rngglnà, W. c . .......... 71 North MShore hlcalty Co.... tp Feli ..SI ... .. . 8. . .4 . .. .. . PalIi n , E. G ..........e l>lilups, Pl' ... ... .. . ..S Pubfle Servie<Co. . .7 QUilaan-& Tys..... .@4. 8uggrk, es , ...« 7é Sears Reaity Co. .4; Skokie Valley Naterlal ýCo. 74 Smarwt &G e... .. Soderland, A........7 Sanshade CJo............... 4 Wailbaru Kilng Co.....49 wcnte, W»illam .........44 Wlltaker, R BCo, 40, 44,'73 Wlnetka Flowor 860:.68 Wltzleban Eealty CO.....72-' Rock Island Road......14 Ruminage sale........78 oniy is this evitieuced uy thenmal ice ut new school building and proposed bouse of worship, but à by the increased number of cc Inunicants and the steadily grow enroilment i the school.. Spirit prosperity and material prosperity, seem weIl balanced in both churcb and sechool. Con tourlug ty MIarket à ~2à ries....... ier-I......... 8 ~4 Mnk . .. Cover Il ... .. . .. 9 .....18,1le t........... 1 .) qMil 1 - Stev-; FINE WALNUT ADVERTISER PAGE