14.37 WILMETTE AVE., WILMETTE Shîngle Colonial - 6tins., sun porcli, furnace heat, oil bumner, '8-car gar. Landscaped yard. roin, a inagnificeent suni room, and garage located on a grand lot ln a beautîful, nelghborhood. The, home Juet remodeled la tlioroughly insulated and air con- ditioned-. 'We. hâve en Idea of what the.secofld description willI cost but te smre brave 'soul we offer the bouse as per the first description onextreinely conveni- ent temms for ........ $10,000400 This Winnetka home ls beauti- * fully situated and le close to schools and transportation. There are -tour bedroome, twe baths, and two lavatorles. The heat la oil and the garage will accem- * modate two and perliaps tbree cars. The house bas an excep-; tional ameunt of loset space. The lotis very làrge-1l25xl50. The owner, la anxious te sell and terme may be arranged te completé the purchase price of......... ...$19,500,.00 This'- North, Shore. home lias a front yard beautifully kept at uorenei'm else expense. Thre house faces a golf club and but for an occaslonal lylng divot the vlew ls ýunobstructed and permanent. The home is a grand% * 'Engllsh Brick. There are four bedrooms' four and one-half batho, and a llbrary. The garage la two-car attached and the heat, bhot water oil. The lot le nicely landscaped and wooded and 113 nçarly eue-quarter of an acre. Thre home is really an exceptional buy for ........ $29,50000 CUSACK 64IN WITII CUSACK' 111LTN1-lte 770 BLUFF STREET Wonderful, Buy ait $21,000 in a Beautiful District WELL-BUII.T HOUSE, INSULATED fireproof walls, slate roof, 6 bedrms., 2baths, tollet roomn, 2 fireplaces, con- servatory, dinîng and slplng. porches. New heatlng systemn, Hardînge o11 humn er. Beautiful landscaping. View over Skekie Country Club. Lot bas average wldth of 66 ft. by 210 ft. $10,000 CASH Corne and eee lt-Inspection welcome. KiCmball, Ower-Glen. 170, Wrank. 7300 111LTN1-ltp 51à ELEVENTH ST., WILMEI .Stucco - 7 rms., 2 bathe, sun po fumnace heat, near St. FVrancis and trail Sebools, shopping and transp. en. 1 NORTH. EAST WILMETTE Large frame bouse,- modernized198 5> bedrns., 2 111ie batbs on 2nd, floor. Iluge living room, Sunu parler, 'llbrary, reception hall and porch on lot floor. Lot 100x153, 2-car gar. PrIe $12,6'00. 'PIOHIEE RiekALTY C%01 a21 4th- Street Wilmette 910 OPEN FOR INSPECTION Sunday after. 2 P. M. (Or by Appolntment) 610 WASHINGTÔN AVE., WILMETTE IIr. Leslie W. Millar, owner,. bas moved l'o New York and tells us' t. -el et the market or trade for suburban New York. Compare it ln sturdiness of con- stru~ction, handinesof design, and Ils location willi anything at $12,500. There are 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, ti1e bath (handy space for 2nd bath), grand living pereh. Ineulated.1- iyear-roof. 3 fireplaces. Its mariy other Points of excellence liîerally command your presence te Inspeet It. Corne Sunday or caîl for appolntment. NORTH 'SHORE REALTY 523 Winnetka Ave.. Winnetka 81 ____________ _______1LTN1-ltc MR. HOME SEEKER: ARE. YOU 1TIRED 0F B E 1IN'G "cooped up" ln a congested city bouse or apartunent? Would you like to have a nîce modern home wlth a full acre of ground, beautifully wooded and land- sae.8,000 tulips, 4,000 rose plants and many evergreens. You can gel al oft lîis aI one-half ef what It cosî the present: owner. Located ln Glen Oak Acres, west. of Wilmette Golf Course. Cal us for an appt. te sec this "small estate.'" QUINLAN &TYSON, Imc. EXCLUSIVE AGEýNTS 1571 Sherman Avenue Evanston, 111. Uni. 2600, Wil. 2602 l1lLTN1-ltc IBEST VALUES QUINLAN & TYSON 1671 Shermanl Avenue, Evanston,, 111. Ro.Pk. 2616 'Uni. 2600ý Wil. 2602 I11LTNI-ltc PERFMCT GEM -0P ENGLISH, ALRCHITECTURE LOCATED AT 2030 CHESTNUT ST., WILMETTE SOPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P. M., l3eautiful new 6 room,. 2 stdry-residence, wlth att. heated ýgarage, natural lire- place,, breakfast roomn. H. W. lit., creen- ed rear porch. Lot 50x1l74., Beantlfully landscaped. Finest con struction through- out. Prîce: for Êiuick sale $14,600. Milis & .Sons .Realty Trust. 5556 North Avenue. Merrimac 6000 1l1LTN1-lte MOVING AWAY WHITE SHII14GLE WITH -'BLACK blinde; exqulsite tasite throughout, thile 9 ronrn 'iouse, 8 baths, sleeping and $un porches. 011 ht. with B. & G. valves. Apple blossoms and deep gar- den. Near' Skokie Club, schools and transp. Lot 66x240. Bargain! 746 ELM STREET, WINNETKA Wlnnetka 3603 Hollycourt 3790 lllLTN-ltc Harrison S t. Home,' $1 1,000 EXCELLENT LOCATION, CLOSE TO Lincolnwood school and easy walk-ý ing distance to steam transp, Fine first floor plan, Ige. liv. rm., ifaid's 'rm. and breakfast pch. Four bedrms.,. slp. pcb. modern bath, ex. lav. on 2Zud fi. Wooçleâ lot 50x1.65; 2-car gar.. Sec Mr. Landalier THE BILLS REALTY CO. 529 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Wilmette 3740 Greenleaf 1166 111LTNl-ltc HERE IT I THE BEST VALUE"IN, EAST WIL- mrette. I wonderful ecin!4ition, 6 rms., tu at,2Pcbs., H. W. ht.' oillhumner, 2-car gar., nice yard. Near sehîs., ail transp. and lake.' Reduced to $11,000'.'00., Se MrM.Meacr THE BILLS REAI4TY, Tri. 529 DAVIS STREET, ËVANSTON 'Wflmette 3740 Greenleaf 1166 1111,TN1-ltc 19 0. Bargaîn. ffl,600. Restricted Section i n Evanston, near lake, prlced $6,000 under adjoining lots. 75'* frontage. Beautiful lot on hlgh bluff,.overlooking. lake tn Highland, Park. 100x360. Acreage, Wlnnetka', close fin, per acre- $2,750. Cholce lots ln every section on the Northi Shore. To Inspect cail us. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Ill. Rog. Pic. 2616 Uni. 2600 WII.. 2602 il 4LTN-ltc Beauti fui eorner--Many large trees. 5Ox9OFEIET1 NONW OFFERE D AT THE~ LOW PRICE 0F SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORP. 1603 CHICAGO AVENUE-' Greenleaf 2700 Wllmette 608 RIPARIAN THIS WEEK ONLY Owner will seil 80x400 ft. lake lot at $150 per front foot. This li about 14 present market value ln this section. Surrounded by beautiful homes. Best Riparlan bargain on North Shore. Ex- cellent lnvestment. Shown by appoint- ment. 1 XCLI'SIVE AGENTS HEINSEN REALTY CO.> 660 Center St. Winnetka 254 114LTN1-ltc, 1 to 4 Acres-WTINNETKA SUITABLE: FOR. FINEST IMPROVE- 'ment. Located across frem elegant estates, yet enly one mile fromn trans- portation and 3 blocks fromn Hubbard Woods SehôoL Sewer, water, and. street. pavlng. Offered at a reai bargaîn 'for quick cash sale. McGUIRE, & ORR, mic. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, WiI. 228 328 Park Ave., Glencoe Gle-hcoe 13 114LTNI-ltc Golf ~~kWitzeben Realty Co. 6'62 Green Bay Rd., Kenilworth 6640 iTN1-lte114LTN1-ltc WILL 7 ROOM ietka. 100x Hill Section of el rýdd%