Picttured ahoe a typical St. Charles modern cabinet kitchien. as planne d and installed by Hone fEngineering. The electric range, refrigerat9r and dishwasher in1 this particular instance are Westinghouse. T1.e U-shaped layout is designed te reduce the nuniber of steps ini food preparation. Cabinets' are styled in ~the mnodern manner and arranged with everything within_ eas y reach. Stainiess steel and linioletum iare often used for couiter tops. Floors and waIIs are coming in for special attention with mari%- ncw deveIopnments in comiposition treatments that are inexpert- sive and practical. Similar kitchens in loth steel and wood can be seen on the floor of the Home Show s ponsored bv the W. C. Huggins organization at the First National Bank Building ini Wlimette. Architecrts, builders and home owners are urged to visit the display and.. take advantage of the kitchen planning service. The show is open daily and evenirîgs until 8:30O or a phone cali to Wilmette,,4490 will bringa representgtive. who 'will be glad to. disçuss the possibilities of your kitchen., GET WELL-~STAY WELL HOME 1 st Nationol Bank Bld. Open DeaiIy UntIl8:30 p.m t Nol Establised 1881 609 N. La Salle, Superior 9172 Dispay.d ai' the ShowI Visit our dlmplay and paint dtor.e t National Bankc, Wituiefre. First 1 GAS SURNER GAS HEAT AT LOWER COSI MAI. 14, 1936