Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1936, p. 3

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'l'lieinîonthly meeting of the board of directors of Wilmette Homie Ovn- er,ýsassociationi held ini the office of the groiup at 1155 Wilmette avenue. o;dveveing andl presided over 1) yPri etRobert E.' Ricksen. 1006 Miciiaiavenue. was gîven Over to di;csuo'ion-of tra.ffic control-on Sheri- dlait 1r17ad and- the impendilng rcal (state tax bis for 1935. Stanley «M. Petersoni, -23.1 Seven- tocenth street, of thé, counitv asscssor's office, wasliresent and (lisseminated n mucli iiteresting and valtla)le Ïinfor- miatioti conccrnuing tax matters, He e\plained- the nianner in vhicli the rinadretnnial reassessment wvas ac- Ci)oifislhe(, and how ' valuationis %vere arriveA aLi.-le spoke wtauthoritv% ontlii. subject. as bis wvas. the re- soiîhijvfor fixing. values. fromn the inost modest bungalow to' the lar-e'dt of Chicago skyscrapers. Bombarded With Queries MIr., Peterson wvas honibarded with, questi0oný. the main interest of biisý jqtuestuotiers l)beinig to ascertain if tlheir forticoiîning týax bills.wilbe ilicreased. .<Iecrea-ýMcor' remain the. same as for thie . at iu-ear period. He ex- Ipliued that as a general propositioni. ho(th -laiid and. b1ouses values would 1w es but that the unknown quant- itv. the. tax rate., W>ill determiine the anîlonnlt <f the bill. Vhat this will * 1w, lie explaitned, no one knowsN,. and unitil it is; determined taxpayers will niot be itnfornmcd as to hio,. vmtch thiey ~vh aeto pay. Howvever, MNr. Peter- son Lyelierously volunteered. to ascer- tain fÏor ans' of his hearers. the 1-id ati tiidtgvhain ntii rp *erties;. dn autoso hi r Study Traffié Control A canimittee appomnted at. a pre- vio.s meeting to consider the prob- 1cml of atitomnolile traffic on Sheridan, rôad 'repoôrted. and led. a,(iscussioni on. that vital subject. The menibers. of this comimittee are: Charles H. Feltnian, 800 Sheridan *road, chair- nian' James V. ýSiIl, 140 .Maple ave- nue:ý William ..Weldont, 1340 Green- volavenue : Myles J. Phillips. 1003- (Continlued on page 4) Mfathew Francis Photo Mrs. C. G., Shearon,, 403 Wash- isigtoin avenue, is the nezvly elected Preside>zt oft/uc CentraU-aure, Paren t - Teacher' association., Shi j wilI take over lier dritics Tuesday afiernoon, Vai.v 19, at 2.-30 o'clock, mi the o ccas:Io o0f.thte next regular 0ù<'t1 f! /rc association. Dedicate Memorial Path to "Anchusa" 1. In inemory. of the late M-\rs. Anne! Hliggiuison Spicer of Kenilworth, who wrote many poems under her pen naine of "Anchusa," and who passed away within the past vear, the Ken- ilworth Garden club, with the assist- ance of the Keriilworth Park board and the L-ake For~est Garden club, conipleted. recently a memorial patli, planted -%vith N'irginia bluebelîs and othcr flowers; Nirs. Spicer, who wvas active in civic affairs during the early days of the village, was. the founder of the KenilWorth Garden club, it was re- called this week. The path is located in.the portion of Kenilworth parks on the north side of Kenilworthavenue, just to thé south of the Village hall, and easti of the railway station. A hand-wrought iron> marker bas beeti placed at the 'entrance to the path. G.. indfley, andi heads -of the varlous Mrs. Bernice T. Van der Vries, prettets of e hr clssoes. Ilstate representative from this dis- preentthewor: o thir lases. trict, who conferred with the New A nmbe ofthechidre wiî pavTrier Township board, Friday of last musical instruments or Will appear in we expressed regret that. only oune of the short plays wbhh are to meager information is available re- be presented.- garding pending relief mneastires now Iefore the legislature. The complete program follows: The Town sbip board.for somne time 6 p. m.-ý-Dnor open. Exhibits of hand-lasbe aaiigte ucmeo work, project. and other. expreseione si be wiigteotôeo of Church School Work. 1ilegislation under considération. at: 6 :30- P., nti-Rainbow D'linner. 1I Springfield, which may, tbrow upon 7:30-p' m-Church Sehool hour. the township the- burden ofcrn for- Good-time Singing. WVeicorne by Dr. J. G.> Hindley. its 125 or more indigent families in, C hurefi Sehool News by General super- !New Trier, now being handled through Intendent, H. A. LaRov. state. emergency relief agencies. Ne w. ,b.% Departnienta.l Superin- Sei etusHoe for Actiioa Soont 8pecil Feture : h was thought at the timie of mak- Piano yinstrunientai by Carolyn ing arrangements with Representa- Shearon, Prirmary Department. French Horn Instrun-ental-bY Bob tive Van der Vries for the conference Mestlian, Junior, Department. that one, of several pénding bis, Marionette-"Amerlcan Home Life" 1 would bave been enacted into law, by eighth grade girls. under the bto h otrra r.Van supervision of, Mrs. B. A. Poonîhezinaya Ms Intermediate Department. (1er- Vries explained, wben. she left PlayN-"Giri-s Wil, be Girls" BettyI;rnfedls' k-dtemtr Miller and Eleanor LaBonte, sevenith Speringfield las week-endte mtter grade girls. Play under the super-aperdtbeasarfo sti- vision of Mrs. B. Brow~n of the Betty ment, as at thbe - beginnin'g. Sessions Brown players. . were to be resumed the first part Piano Instrumental, by Miss Yvonne of the week, she said, when it was Woerner, Senior Department. Cello Selection, by Miss Winifred Hof-.oped some solution of the problem man, Senior Department. would be reached. Director's Message, "What Parents Favor Coumty Unait Plan Have a ,Right to Expect of theé h e re or a oeo Church Schooi."ThNeTrebod agn n _______________record as favoring the county unit plan of administration. On the other Optimists Fete Motheirs hand, it feels that it will be able to at Sawne Clb Moday hand le the local situation, if that, et Sawne Clb Modaytype of Iaw should be enacted, and Seven mothers of iniembers of the Wil- which would require the levying of mette Optimist club were guests of a three mill tax for the purpose. honor at the annual' Mothers' day «ele- Mrs. Van der Vries said there is bration of. the organization, held Mon- no question in ber mind but that the day noon of this week at the Shuawnee county unit plan would be more Country club.. econoinical in the matter of adminis- The Rev. David R. Kabele, 521 tration, as the ýcounty now bas the Seventh street, pastor of theWilmette organization machinery, workers, etc. Engiish Lutherani church,. was. the On the other hand, she pointed out, speaker. New Trier township is fortunately The usial rogrmws gven situated to do a good job of. ad- Tlie,'muicalproram as gvenby ministering township relief, itself,, if Mrs. Lois Hammeftt Steeie, club.pianist, tfiat 'becomes necessa 1ry.: This towù- and. by Frank Borovicka, student. at 'ship would be far > better off, she New Trier High school. (Continued on page 5) I -' r ivas neid o inuay, i uesuay andu vvevu- nesday at Springfield. The following north shore druggists attended one or more of the sessions: E. C. Cazel, .Wilette; Ralph Bland, Kenilworth; C. R. Patchen, F. E. Phelan, W în- netka, a nd Frank Whitney, Hubbard Woods. E% «R ..-te . .. . . ...U -a IRecreation.:... .........20 Society Pages ....... 50-58, wilI be here about ten days, longr"',, before returning to ber borne in Har- risburg, Pa.

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