Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1936, p. 1

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,.MONDAY, MAX25. Veterans in Seven llinois Hos.: pitals Are Kept'Busy Making. RPicas of Flower For months,1 disabled veterans 1*11 seven hospitals in.Illinois, Hines, North Ch icago, Elgin, 'Jacksonville, Daniville, Altoýn, and East' Moble. have--been making the bright cloth, replicas of the Flanders Poppy, whichi has become America 's memory flower for tliosýe sacrificed in the world wa.r. These poppies will "bloom"'l in Wil- mette, a week from next Monday, May, 25.' To the disabled veterans shaping the million blossoms, the day means employmhent for mind and hands through the winter montbs, and the gaining of a smnall recompense for eachi poppy, thiat they may have for theirown or, their family's use. To the Wilmnette Legion post and aiiciàiry unit, it. menans adding a sum io.their treasuries that w used ýexcluüsivelv for service work among, needyv ~eterans and their familie.s.ý To the, departmnent of Illinois, it means'ffaintaining its important serv- ice dcpartmient, which an n uaIl y handies hundreds of cases for the bewildered or discouraged veteraiîs or families of deceased service men. To villagers it offers opportunity to pay-a t.ribute ta those -who gave theirý lives or gave their al and still live. ýVear a poppy! Exten d Dé.livery ýof Mail FajrWest Postniaster Bert L. O'Connell re- ceived information from the office of the First Assistant Postmnaster General at Washington, underdate of May 9, that Review Pages 61 to 74, inclusive, contain the May Real Estate Review. These generously il- lustrated pages are crarined With information pertaining toý real estate transactions in New Trier township.and neigliboring onmnties, .as wvell as newvs of developments' in northi shore home building. UrgeDepositors of Close'd Bank to Obtain Checks Announcemfent ýwas miade this week by, Mýeltin B.,.Ericson, receiver for thie cîosed 1First 'Natio-nal .fBank of Wfilmette, that distributioni of a 7 per cent dividend to depositors, started Iast week, mwill be continued at offices in the bank building at 1150 Wilmette avenue. Office houirs are f rom 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. ,-Two paym ents totaling 3.; per cent ha\-e been made in addition to the onle nowv being distributed. 1Mr. Ericson also calls attention to the fact that approximnately 1,300 checks from the first and seco nd dîvi- dends remain uncalled for, represent- ing a surn in excess of $4,000. De- positors who have flot claimied their checks are urged to do so proniptly. VJSTS-RELATIVES' HERE Paul O'Connell of Seattle, WVash., who has been visiting the family of hie, cousin, Postmaster Bert L. O'Connell, 933 Linden avenue, and other relatives bere and in Chicago during the past two weeks, left for bis home -Saturday. Mr. O'Connell is inttrested in, Boy Scout work,-and will stop offa aroscities. enrtoute in this connection. n'zu t-.old vrolic Tuesday, May 19 Ye Olde Towne Folks, organiza-. tion of villagers who have resided in Wilmette at least a quarter of a cen- tury, will bold their annual dinner. andreio entertainiment in the .Wilniette M asonic ýtemple,. 1010 Cen- tral avenue, Tuesday eveninïg, May 19. Pr. D. M. GalIlie; president, of the organizion, will act as toastmaster. Enitertainmenit 'ill be provided hy talented"Vilmette residents._ The Akely Trio, comprised of Mrs. Ernau Akely. and her two daughiters, Frances and Blythe, will present two trio numbers, as well as violin.i and cello solos: by Miss Frances and Miss' Blythe, accompanied by their mother .1 There will be a hiumorous playlet entitled "Girls XVill Be Gzirls," pre- sented by, Miss Eleanoir LaBonite, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. La- Bonte, andl Betty Miller, dàughiter of Mr. and M.\rs. Howard Miller. The final group on the prograni wll be marimba-xylophone solos by Rob- ertf Wilson, son of Mr. .and Xtrs. Fraiik A. W'ilson. Ready to Start Recount of Gardner.Fowler Vote It is reported that on Eriday five tea*ns under the jurdisdictioin of County Judge ]Edmunid K. Jarecki will begin a. recount of the Repub- lican ballots cast in the Primary election of April 14 for New Trier Township cormmitteeman. It iS ex- pected that the recount, made neces- sary by the contest instituted by Henry Fowler of Wilrnette of the election of Henry A. Gardner of Win- iietka, will be completed .in one day. Following that task quqestions of the legality of, disputed ballots ,ill be arogued before Judgze Tarecki. Civic Bodies Asked by OChoir-, man Drayer to Namne Créa- -~tive Committee Mem bers Clarence E., Drayer, 1634 Elmwood avenue, president of the. pre sent -Wil- mette Harmony convention, organ- ized several years ago to <secure nok- political and non-parti-san, gove- ment for the village, is now sendil out letters te the. presidents of a dozen civic organizàtion, asking them to appoint one of their members to a Creative committee té f111 vacancies in the convention caused by termex- pirations or other causes. Seeki Pr o»pt Action Mr. Drayer makes it plain that these appointmuents are net te be made officially, but as citizens head- ing the various organizations. He asks that prompt action be taken, in order that the Creative committee may organize and begin its work. After the vacancies have been filled the convention wiIl meet and electa successor to Mr. Drayer. The letter follows: "In your eapacity as citizen and flot offIially as president (thbugh of course because you are Its chiot), yofl are I- vited to name one ot Its members te uct on the Creative - committee ofthte Wil- mette 1931 Harmony convention. "The comrjdttee Is entrusted wlth the dutyr of selecting citizens to filI vacancies In1 the IHarmony Convention, composed of four from each ot thethirteeh voting preci nets. Since one hait ot the membersa retire after each convention, and other vacancies occur, the new members to be appointed will number about thirty. Is to ý afford American representatjv, government In Wilmette In Its purest- form andin the knowledge tha.t ca.pable citizens can be tound tor office If tac- tional flghts can be avoided. "Should you care for a briet statement ot the convention or any et Its phases, please eall us, IMmwooci avenue, nad as week-endI bouse guests Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc~e E. Dinzel of Oconomowoc. Saturday the Lyons entertained for the Dinzels at a.cocktail party for eightéen friends. Jewel Foo Lakeview Market )d Stores..13 Quality 5 ,Products........ 4 Van Deusen' .......... 2 Winter, Geo. B...... 18, 19 F ollowing his address, there wili le a card'party and refreshments. In- formation, literature, and card party tickets may be obtained at 1125 Cen- tral avenue, and 440 Prairie avenue.

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