Sixth season opens june 2o. / A delightful vacation for boys ages 8-s z. Swirnming, lJig ishing and other outdoor activities under careful 'supervision. No .group routine. IReservations ona, weekly basis. Modest, rates. Write for f eider Refere&ces exchanged Mr. mmid Mrs. Carl F. Schbaub CliâtoînvilleWal.ý L. E. Hildebrand, science instructor of New Trier High school, 1936, field trip chairman, announced this week that the study outing will be led by Don L. Carroll and George E. Ekblaw, both of the Geological Survey at Urbana. The ail-day trip wil! include visits té localities in varicus parts of Du-. Page. county that show records of the geological history:of the regi .on. Exposures of, limestone strats, formed in ancient -seas that once covered' Illinois; together with well preserved deposits formed by the glaciers of egreat ice age, will be pointed out to the group and explained in detail, Chairman Hildebrand states that ilo. fees are charged for participation in the field. conference, which is a fea- ture bf.1the educational extension'pro- grami of the geological survey. Those. attendinig the trip, he says, are asked to bring packed lunches, and to'pro- vide their own means of transporta- tion. Approximately 200 people took part in a similar confeÉence held Iast spring in the Chicago North Shore region. Previous Chicago region trips have been held in the vicinities of the south suburbs, Joliet, and the Fox River Valley. Five other trips of the saine type are off ered in other parts of the state each year. On May 23, another group will nieet at Pontiac, for a Hiih ...S'chool students as part of the school's vocational guidance program under the direction of A . L. Grinneli of the commerce department faculty. Last week's speakers included £hlmer, D. Beeker,5R,9 Linden'a-venue, Wil- mette, insurance; G. T. Hell muth, 1316 Forest avenue, Wlmette, transpor- tation and law;, Di W." W. Hawkins, 1005 Greenleaf -ave- nue, Wilniette, med- icine; Hilton Ira Jones,. 1538, Fore st avenue, Wilmette, chemical research; William F. Arnold, 920 Greenwood ave- Rt. y. Heffmau nueMinmette, aC-, counting. This week's speakers are:- Charles M. B3urlingame, 812 Greenleaf avenue, Wil- mette, accounting; Saàn~IueA. Rothèrml, 853 Valley road, Glencoe, insurance; Hector Dodds, 720 P rai rie avenue, Wilmette, i n s u r - ance; Carroll Deanl Murphy, 875 Hill troad, Winnetka, ad-. vertising; Ma j or Reeci G. Landis, 324 V e r non avenue, . Glencoe.aviation; mneet, at iwanston sast baturclay. The finals will be held at the Uni. versity of Illinois this week. Ôn the following Saturday, the Suburban league will hold its annual mneet at Phelps field, Indian Hill. Twé records were. broken, two established, and. one tied* as 'New. Trier with 54 points, beat out 1Evans- 'ton, with .51Y2,i ast Satùrday. New Trier's victory resulted flot so much, f romn the number of- first places, but f romi a number. of 'seconds,, thirds, and fourths. TABLÉE 0F POINTS New Tie r. .54 Déettield .... .14 Evanstr)n.51%. Grant... ...1 Maine........29 Barrington '... 3 Woodstock .._.2%M Palatine ......1L Libertyville . . 18% Crystal Lake.. 1 120-yard high, hurdles-Won by Col- linge (Maine) ; Jones (NeW Trier), sec- ond; .Hopklns (Evanston), third;- Britt. (ECvanston>, fourth; Lorimer (Crystal Lake:, f-ifth.. Time-O :14.8 (establishes new record with 39-inch hurdie; old mark wlLh 42-ineh -hurdle waà 0:15.3, by Brandt of Oak Park in 1935). 100-yard dash-Won by Willlains (Evanston); Peacock and Kreamer (Woodst.ock), tied for second and t-hird; Porter (Maine), fourth ; Koulentes (.Maine), fifth. Time 0 :10.1. One mile run-Won by Fell (Deer- field) ; Frank Hauser (Maine), second; Brto%,,n (New Trier>, third; Harrington (New Trier), fourth; Herzog (Maine), fifth. .Time-4 :39 (new record; old marý, 4 :40.6, miade by Wlllard of Liber- tvle In 1934). . .1 Shotput-'Wnn hv harn (Gant) RETURNS FROM 0H10 Miss Kathryn Benson, 210 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, returned Sunday from Cleveland WhWere 'she spent two weeks as the g'ues-ts of Miss, Anti Louise Hankins, formerly of Glencoe. street, w inneuça, law;, W. Frank N way, Wilmette, ai M. James, 208 Eigt Next week's spi Dr. David J. Davýi nue, Wilmette, dea medicine at the Ur Charles M. Thoms Winnetka, law; Jos Linden avenue, Wi W. IF. McClure :Clure, 219 Broad- rertising; William eentb street, law. kers wilI include: 721 Elmwood ave- of the school of versity of Illinois; n, 576 Ash street, (Deerfleld), f o urt h ; armsworth (Maine), flfth. Time-O:51.4. 200-yard low hurdles-Won by Pea- cock (Woodstock); Willam.- (Evans- ton>, second; Jones (New Trier>, third; 1Morton (New Trier), fourth; Burton (evanston),_ fifth. Tlme-O0:22.7 (estab-' lishes new track record for liew dist- ance). 880-yard run-Won by Boehm (Deer- field) ; Murray, (New Trier), s9econd: H-anrahan (Evanston), third; Johnson (N'ew Trier), fourth; [furd (Waukegan),,' Cobb &Son 65Elpi St. Authoriz -ed Dealer Tel. winoita I1180 qid« va,, S u-. ding t I Phone site* Mrs. A. Dy train join Mr. ýtarr, for