Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1936, p. 23

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C0NTRACMS IN GENERAL--Nature of a contract,, parties, agreemnent, con- sideratlo,î, and subject matter; Stiitute of Frauds; .discharge of contractual obligation. AG~ ENCY-Crteat ionl of agency; rights 'and responsîbilities of principals, agents, and thlird parties; termination of agency. XEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS- Nature 0f, drafts, ceheek, ,'and notes;.,. essentials f negotiablity; -negotiation; holder and due course; personal andý realdeess liability of parties,. dis- charge of llability oninstrument. BATLMENTS-Nature of bailnients; classes of balinients; rights and re-, sponsibilitles of parties; publie war e- houses; commonm carriers. SALES 0F PERSONAL PROPERTY -Unifokrn Sales Act. Statute of Fraude; transfer of titie:- warrantles; condi- tional 'sale,,; iledge; sutqrety$hlp;.use of cliattel mortgage. TNSTRAC-N ature and use of In- surance; fire iinsurance; Iflîf nurn PA RTNERISHTP - Characteristic's ot patniersýhip; rights and dules of part- tier.S arong tbeniselves; labilities to third.marties; dissolution of partnership). 1CORPORATION - Characteristles- of (or-porfltion; stock and -;tockho)lder.-; - crororprtos:mng.fetf *REAL PIIOPERTY-Nature of real [woîiert.m; nthods of aequiring titIs; reaýl pronerty niortgages. 11ALLINCKRODTI I NEWSý \Vith the cooperation o f t h e aluinnae and the sponsorship of the parents,. the students of The Mallin- ckrodt. Catholic higb school for girls, ini Wiimette, are completing exten- sive plans for their Senior Prom wbich is scheduled for Wednesday everiing, May 27, at the Country club. 1501 Oak avenue, Fvanston. Bill L.tton and his band will furnish the muisic. Mis osmayJ. Bleser of Wil- mette. president of the The Mallin-, ckrodt alumnac, lhas been chosen: honorarv ýchairman, and 'will preside at the festivities, and the. crowning of the. Proin Queen. This party promlises to l)e one of the loveliest scbool eévents of the seasoa, and gen- eral interest along the north shore andi Chicago bas heen arousel. C. H. Taylor, Mrs. H. W. Bang, Mrs. H. A. Zischke, Mrs. Horace Bing- ham, Miss Mary Alice Jones. .After luncheon a business meeting wihl. he held, during which new.of- fieËs for the ycar will bk instaled:ý .Mrs. Charles Carroli of Evanston, president; Mrs. John Whallev, vice- president;-,Mrs.. josepb Reed, record- ing, secretary.; iMrs. Robert Tahley, treastîrer,- and Mrs. Edgar Dicusà, Who continues as corresponding sec- retaryi Millen Tigers Defeat Wolves by 25-16 Score MilIert Hardware Tigers beat the Fightin' Wolves, last. Friday after- noon,,in a hard fought.basebail game, 25 to. 16. The Tigers, held thé Wolves to six bits as compared to the former's 18 bits. The game, was clinicbed in -the fièst half of tbe eigbth wb.en. Clinton Carpenter ht a home run with the bases loaded. The game was called at the end of tbe eighth inning. ' . 1 1 Tigerà ... - 447 220 15-25-18-14ý wolv'es , ... 010'257016--0 that rnany far-seeing parents sp.nd. a day's traveI to r.ach. Doesn't that suggest that you corne in with the childronbefor. o ôu ave forldistant vacation points? Servlceable, summer :00Y s hfuiwl b. a comfouf to weor. CoI.afut l ew patteras lincluldren¶s »cks. aré 3 abd 4, pairsfor.00O.. PoeLl -PPER 1608 CHICAGO AVIE.. IVANSTON PA TRONIZ:E UNI. 0973 took tbe trip a Florence Scbmi< Yvonne Singer, rainie Webber, Vi Marie Beucher. OUR ADVERTI.SERS Lrier. app, Lor- s, and Begins Monday May ISth ALL SALES FINAL mi.-O

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