Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1936, p. 72

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cUMNTAND àÂS-ONO*mIACTOR DOçlWBiswl g-WaterproflnuBasements 171 Walilgt i Ae. W'« mette 36418 CARPENTER AND BUIILDER, Repaiigad Remiodeling WINNETKA. 2480 1SA-LTN52-4tP: C5ARPENTERt REXODELINGO, RE- paire of ail kîndu; stucco recolg soreens, painting, piasterlng, roots,' -ernent. work; est. furh.,* easy termS. Nelson pB. Place, W11. 4181. 15A-LTNS2-4tp ROOF L]EAKS REP AIR EDT New, roofs certified, by ]Barrett. Co. Perry Rfg. Co., 1045i Chigo. Av., Davis 1616- 15A-1,TN41-26tp McKIBBAN - CARIffTNR. Altera- tions, sun porches, soreens, painting al kçidsget prices now, prices golng up on 1abor and materal. 'WI. 204. 15A-LTN52-2tp B. Breun' Wil. 1677 CARPENTER W'ORK, REPAIRING A specialty. Work donc reas. 629 Prairie Ave., Wlmette. 15-LTN53-4tp .uisoN» »VICE LUCTRIC WELD~IN. BOIUR welQlmg, sutomotive macine hop ead parts jobbera. PAVLIK BROS. PHONE KUNILWORTR 280-820 IOLTNSS-24tp CHIMNEYS, FURI4ACES 1 AND FIIIEPLACES. Cleaned -.Guaranted Job PHONE WLEME112 OLENIN A oirHPROOFING RUG CLEANING 9x!2 ise $2.95. Mothproeflng. THIE CHÂTEAU 1419 Sherman Aves. Gre. 6262 _____________________19LTN52-4tp TORCOM BROTI{ERS« 25% Dise. on rug cleaniing and repairing. 1244 CHICAGO AVE. UNI. 1010 19LlTX5-ltp Lomàst Farm. Stores. SUNDÂT AND. HOLIDAY HOURS 1226 ,ýWilmette Av e. Phone WIl. 5458 9 a.lm. tol10 P. m 806i Ridge Ave. , .Wairette 9 te 12.3:0 -a. m., 4 to 7 p. m. 908 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods * 9 te 12 a. M. 676 Verneni Ave. , .1 lGlencoo 9 té il a. m 24LTN53-ltC THosE BEAUTWUL HOMES YOU have admircd have been landscaped: by JACOB KRAMER & CO.i 1008 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON, ILLINOIS, PHO01E UNI VERSITY 2123. Landgcape Seryie-Grading Contractera Drive eut and inspeet our greenhouse and nursery On Dundee Rd. 3 miles West or Wg %kgan 'Rd. 27LTN53-ltp SKOKIE GARDIENS LANDSCAPE SE~RVICE alEST GRADE CLEAN BLACK »XIT. Get our pricea before orderlng lEver- greens, Trees, Shrubs, Perenlals. Rock gardons and pools drlveways, atone ter- races, bout and biue grass, laws.w. Call Wilmette 4263. 27LTN52-4tp RICH B LACK SOIL, WELL WORKND up for top dressing or flowetr garden. $1.50 yd., ln 4-yd. loada.. Wsll rotted c0w majiure, $3 yd. Goodstrong sod, 4c 't. ford 800 t. or more.' tubbish re- movêd ani n.atrueking. Seasoned fire- pa e w~o4, $8 ton del. Cash price. B. Haglund, 849, Elm, Winnetka, 2108. 27LTN53-ltp L:E A VE S RAKED, GRASS SEED planted. lawn fertflizcd, *edge trim- med, rock gardens, storm Windows re- moved, screens olled and frames paint- cd, brick or cernent patching. Henry Beach, Phone Wiimette 1619~. 27LTN59-ltp Black Soil -3 Yds.,,$5; No. i now ,SALM, Wiimette 377ÔO. 7T.TNb-4tpý BLACK 5011., - BAND, TRIUCIING - FILLING - GRADING WENDBLL PHILLIPS a1s RIDGE, AVE. KEPNIL.WORTH 33 27LTN52-4tp SHRUUERYANOPLANTS PERENNIALS LARGjE, INSPECTED STOCK Hibbard Rbad' Gardens ROADS ARI9 UNDER CONSTRUJCTIONý BUT CUSTOMERS MAY COME, VIA HILL ROAD 28LTN53-I tp LAUNDRY CURTAINS BEAUTIFULLY A N D 1rôteegiolOa leaned, 40e and un. PINLESS METHOD. Cail mornings or after 4:30 P. M. UNIVERSITY 7249. 2033 Maple Ave., Evanston. _________341,TN53-3tp EXP. WHITE WOMAN WISHES Iaundry. Shirts beaut. finished. Ne bundle te large. Fiat work, linons a, specialty. Blankets. Ouside crying. Cail1 and del. Beat refs. Dav. 2661. 34LTN53-ItP CURTAINS, FURNITURE COVERS. Soft shirts. Other laundry work. Very reas. Wil call for and deliver. 886 Willow. Winnetka 1924. 34LTN51-4tp LWTTUf ERVICIE T PNG Very reasonable prices on ms 1s., ad - dressing enveIopes, etc. Miss Brownte, Winfl. 50-or- Gre. 3365. 36LTN52-ltp DPAY NURSER[ES FRANCES DAY NURSERY Attention Mothers! Goud (,are given te children under 3 yrs. by trained nurse: Very low rates. For fuirther in- formation eall Willette 358b. 41A-LTN53-3tp PAINTING AND DECORANINC Paint, Paper 5 Rrns., $34.50 CEILING ÇALC., $) UP' Sannt and anvasing work. Rm. Wall- 42LTN8-f I.NE~LSON Painting and, Interier Decoratlng 42LTN53-4tp PIANO WNING mCXPBRT PIANO TUNING. $3. RUPAR .work 'guarateed. 332 yesWIlm actory experlence. H. C. Ioma^. 1808 Boumb Prospet, Park Ridgfe 147l. 45LTI5;1-4tp. PLUNSINd AttIi HATINQ IRMPAIRS FOR PROMPT, RELIABLE PLUMB- ngrpira, caul N. J. MERGZN- THÂALER. ELECTROL, cil burners service. Phone Wilmette 2004. 210 C~atalpa. .45A-LTN52-4tP RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE BY A MAN THOR- oughIy expertiéheed with ail Ittc rob- l ems. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wiimettc 1208. 50LTN51-Itp SEWING MACHINE REPAIRINe, BLISS ELECTRIC SEÊRNJICEf Repair ail makes sewing machines,. radios, househoid appliances., 1.-sed sewing machines $4.95 Up. 604 DEMPSTER ST. t'Ni.' 6680 53LTNi-:ý-4tp, WASHING MACHINE REPARI, UPPLIES LET US PUT YOUR WASHING MA- chine ln lat class condition. Speciai, offer on Wringer Rollers this rnonth. We call for and deliver. THOR EVANSTON SHOP 1027 Davis Street. (reénleaf 4646 ;53A-LTN5-l:-tp REPAIRING 0F GUTTERS, L>O)WX spouts, and roof leaks. Furnac(& over- hauling. Special inducenients for work NOW! Ph. beeore --) A.. M. Kenil. 2495. EXPERT TREE SER VICE - PRUN- ing, sprayîng, feeding, and bracing. Undesirabie trees rcmoved. Skilled serv- ice only. Not Ja.cks of ail trades. Thorohili. Bras. Phono Wilmette 3416. [ce A h A. ,Ad

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