t wR Iig y" the h5gh- est prie* paid Es this commisdu. dé. ChiaWr W. Wili Give 'You a, Relble, Appraisal and Btay Youi Dis- crded Watchcs, Out-of -Style 3eeryad Unused Silver for. Câsh ce D. eAIU&COCK JEWELERS SINCE 18371 St1. ed Monme. of bird calis 'that were so real we seemned to be right among the birds themselves. ' In the evening she camne back to tell us about stars. Next week she will1 be .with us again and. we are iiow waiting for. next .Monday to corne. FrancesNielson, troop scribe MONUEY LOANEDw Purs, OriieaI R "gs.I.d OR ANTINO OFVALUE CHICAGO LOAN IANKC 37 Soutm WabasLAV. oruer NonrosSt, art I100W~ ýrA. 1 2 IZ Lc and you "Yellow from May> 7 and 8. "Here Cornes Trouble," no recommendation. May 10 and 111. "Thirty-iNine Steps,"a mystery, for A and:young aduits. May 12,:13 and 14. "«Tale c f Two Cities," for A and young aduits. The E. H. Percys,,have rnoved frorn 1214 Lake avenue to 1517 Forest ave- nue. TEE TOWE Cocktail Lounge Dining Room LIQUOR .STORE 11 YI 1 ,Gi G W SevenStar is *amongthe best icîlers, every where and is a. rfavorite when a blend o f rich, mellow whis-. Ikcy is iorder.- G. -& W. Seven Star pint quart .$l.n $2-4 JVisit our cocktail lounge and dining room. We specialize in the Tower Zizzling Steak. Entertain ment every night -SPECIA.S 'FOR SATURDAY ONLY* G&W London Dry DistflhiedGin FIFTH Golden G &W- GIN Würid renowned for issage of the Anltual SI and the winners of the pi announéed. ýe yéar ot ue will be :7 o'clock. the Vern- ing salon, es will be Reservations' for. the dinner rnay be made by members and, fr iends at the Ctormunity House office. The progr am arranged. is one of dances and song-the former by the pupils of Mildred Haessler and by Miss Constance Von, Weller and the latter by 'Miss 'Olga Trevisan, daughter of Vittoria. Trevisan of grand opera fame. The pupils of Miss Haessler wil give two balets-the. "Dance of, the. Hours" and the "Blue Dànube." The following north shore girls will, take part: Dianne Ewell, Cyrella Golden, Suzanne Greenberg- Luise Haessler, Betty Merfeld, judy Rutherford, Margaret Gronlund, Barbara Franzen, Carolle Bennett, }Heen Sarett, Phyl-. lis Copp, Mona Johnson, Corl John- son, Barbara Feilchenfeld, Paula Raif, Shirley Hall, Shirley- Markell. Joyce Gitlin, Juul Cabonargi . Diana Cabonargi, Barbara Aronoif. Get Generous Response A generous response to the prize fund of the League makes possible the presenting of some $150 in prizes. These will be awarded in five classes, as follows: In Qils-the William - B. Hale prize of $25; the David Kenni-_ cott prize of $10, and an anonymous gift of $5; in water color and pastel- the League prize of $20; the League prize of $10, and the Frances Bow- man and Lydia Trowbridge prize of $5; in black and white-the League, prize of $20; the Permo Manufactitr-, ing company prize of a. press and tools, for etching , valued aàt $12.50, and the. Mrs. P. W. Moore prize of $5; ini scuipturé-the League prize-of $20; the Ada..Miller prize of $10 and the -Nina Englehardt prize of $5. SEE DERBY 9925 RIDGE ROAD Opposite Memorlol Park Nles Cenfer 2522 ýoung home Dy way of San r ran- isco, *Salt Lake City, and Denver. Uiss Mae Matot was guest of honor t a surprise party given Saturday by, ier sister, Mrs. Arthur Morf of Niles eènter, te celebrate her return.