~..AR 0FIl JELKE~D AC T ATr ONCIE WHILE, LIMITED SUPPLY LAsTrsi lis IWHEI THISe n. is Amazing Offer Made Solely to Induce YOu té Try GOOD LUCK Mayonnaise-A Trul Hom-Style Mayonn aise - Cornes to You d"Freshas the Day It was Made" DuetoNew Vapor-Vaciuum Pack Discovery. The 4-oz. JarFREEand YourMoneyBacfe On the 8-oz. Jar If You- Dont Agree fi'a the-Fineat Mayonnaise Vou Ever Tasted! B ELIEVING that the remarkable new GooD LuCK Mayonnaise de., so that you nmay try it Iwithout cost! Your grocer znakes this anhazing offer solely to induce you to try, without riskç, the rernarkable new GoDi LUCK Matyon- naise that is creating an absolute sen- sation among housewives- everywhere. This true mayonnaise is macle according to a home-s'tyle recipe, of ingrédients EGGS, AND -ME IPRESftNESS BS SEALED iN BY THAT.NEW IAPOD JELKE COIWPANY -*.CHICAGO MAY 7, 19,36 JOHN 'lieL L*7