tAKf LUI («ad--oadQaa *M4iRMDLAKi Et&c41.é LpR'OUS days at castleç4ilce G f. At colorful Lake Louise and Swiss-like Emerald Lake Chalet! Dance, swim, golf. Ride, and hie skyline trails. Tennis,ý Abovýe ixanu u«u42Ily Ottràecitie view o!1 the North Shore Congregatioli Israel temple ut Li.wolft aud Vernon aveiues, Glecoe, where srie como- memorating-~t.het15th .nntivèrsarY 0f the establishment of the Cooi#regatroit wil bc held Sunday- Jàyl10. The day': pro grant i icludes special services at il o'clock in the inorning ut vhich Rabbi Harvey vE. Wessel of Duluth, Msnn, fortnerly of the North Shore Gongregation, 4ill deliver the sernion. In the evening there will bc a dinner i the auditoriume of the fr.pic at iwhich there zvill be >reseiit nv notable leaders i the Jewish life of the country. Dctailcd j» forpiation is fomnsd esezwhiir in this issue. Dr. Willard L. Sperry i -1 Ir An LOW-COST AiU-Expouise TOURS 4 ÇOmOU DAS... 2 da"m et Bang,. 2 days at Lae Luh with vînt to Enwad Lake. ! Bu ANFFYor FIELD- Ail xm s - ..... Rabbi H .W.. mnovemets, merely mnous Sgns01 religion which has passed its zenith.?" Dr. Willard L. Sperry, noted educator anîd preacher, who recently posed this question, will speak on "Things to Think About" before the Chicago Sun- day Evening club in Orchestra hall May 10. Rhodes scholar, dean of the Divinity school and chairman of the Board of Preachers of Harvard university, Dr. Sperry exerts an influence and, leader- 71 9 Jack.do lvd, h k Io IL A. nu PbosmWADaB 1904I physica Ithe N( C.nadian Pacifi Hotels oad, ý-end nt a as principal. 'i