ot the Red Cross drive to promote water safety at beaches, lakes and pools this simer., Although the drowning rate in tbis country bas been cut ini baif since the Red Cross life saving service was begun, Mr. I'organ'empbasized the.pointthat the present drowning rate* is, unneces-. sarily.bigb. This year will niake the fifteenthl successive season in which national aquatic schools bave. been conducted. Swimming instructors, pool and beach supervisors, boat and canoe teacbers, camip counselors, life guards, and first aid instructors. will -receive leadership training in water-safety and rescue, wbich w*iIl be passed on to thousands of otbers. The aquatic. scbôoo will be. directed by members of tbe first aid and life saving. service-The --staff will be selected fromn outstanding leaders in. aquatics in tbe Middle West. Only swimmers at least 18 years of age are eligible for enroilment, and the program wfi qualify a first-year student as a life guard, swimming supervisor, camp swimming counselor, assistant swimming instructor, or vol - unteer instructor. Advanced courses are off ered to those wbo bave bad previous 'instruction experience, and are usually taken by Red Cross' chapter swimnming and aquatic-safety1 "Everlasting Punishment" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in al Cburches of Christ, Scentist, on Sun- day, May 3. Tiie golden text was, "Tbere is no peace, saitb the Lord, unto tbe wicked" (Isaiab 48:22).,. Among the citations wbicb coi- prised . the. lesson-ýsermon 1-.was. the following from tbe Bible: ".'Rigbt- eousness keepetb bim that is uprigbt in the way: but wickedness over- tbrowetb :the sin ner. . .. Good under- standing giveth favor: but the ivay of transgressors. is biard" (Prov. 13: 6, 15s). The lesson->ermoni also included the following passages f rom, tbe Christ ian, Science Textbook,-"Science and Healtb with Key to tbe 'Scrip- tures,". by, Mary Baker Eddy: "Fear of punisbmentneyer made man iruly hos.. . . -Reaon i. the most active humai faculty. Let that inform the sentiments and awaken the man's dormant sense of moral obligation, and by degrees be will learn the nothingness of the -pleasures of buman sense and the grandeur and bliss of a spiritual sense, wbicb silences the material or corporeal. Tkey Ne.d N o Proof Evidence ls notlalcking i poof of fie fact filet Pool à Piper ý STRIDE RITE SMOG anà:dIPool I er fiffdbg DO pay the way toethe foot hoaithý of aduit years ýmobomâ.t$ frm. lny.rs pat, Offtd limieuh.,of tii vry arnts. 0ho now bring their own chldeen to WU store.r hm f ore AntigLe inIi.Po Ppe STRIDE RITE. SHOE wII o.. New Spd.g end Smm.r CK Ar,3&nmd 4 'tSI PcOL &PIPER lie 16"0 CHICAO MIL VANSTON UNI. OM t i JItII 2hq~LlvJi. uw~ 0OCJdIJkmMay. b& THE SECOND ANJAL CHILD BEA&UTIFUL CONTEST, $ 200.'00 l UNCASH P.RIZES. Contest opene closes lune tiu v if ay Vel UNlpgrsity 8998 ,,T PICTIDEý UNIversity 2238 UNIverasity 2178 ÉT1fD RULES: .April 8th th. 1984. 1