44c SPORTS SHIRTS. T om y Tucker anesh polo shirts wlth short sîceves and sports col- lars. Eyelet or corded front., Contrasting colors. Suisil, med- ium and large.......... 44C eeve and sports collar. to 1454 .............. 411W DANDY .BUTTON-ON BLOUSES with long sleeves. 0f fast color, pre-shrunk broad-. cloth. Tan, Blue, reen, White. or prints. Sizea 4 to 1. 44 *Fine. quality broadcloth ýwithi pleated back. and sleeves. In Wh.ite,:Blue, Grey, Tan, ýand neat prints., Slight irregulars of .89c values. Sizes 14 to 17.' IROADCLOTH PAJAMASR 88e Slipýirer or jacket style witli *elastic or string beits in Élue, Green, Tan, and neat prints. Con- trasting trim.. Sizes B, C, D. MENS RAYON SOCKS with garter tops in mesh effects. Pastels in .Çanary, Nile, French Blue, and White. Sizes l0yz to 12.................15 MEN'S Y A N C Y BOCKS. r 3 Fancy rayon - and cotton with ýre- reinforced toe aud heel. Slight ort irregulars« Blaék, Grey,' and zes. plaids. Sizes 10Y3 to 12.. 9ec MENS ATHLETIC SHIRTS of fine combed cotton .. Sizes M >to 46 ..........16c MEN'S SHORTS of striped broadcloth. Fast colora. Sizes 34 to44 .............. -.16C OLIVILO SOAP. 10c aize. 12 .bars . .. .. .. .. WHITE FLOATING SOAP. Large size bar. 10 bars -. 49e WIEBOLDT'S -SU PR E MJE OATMEAL SOAP, 6 for . .79c LUX SOAP, 101for ,......53c BEAUTEX, PALMWO, and SU N- BEAUSOAP.1lOfor .... 21C WRISLEY WATER SOFTEN- ERi. 5 IL bag............ 47c .BATrH BRUSm. $129 value. Pas-. tel shades ... BATH SPRAY ,Green. or. Rose........29e TREJUR FLORAL'TALC.. C ho ic e.of fragrances. 1.-oz. c a u .... .... .. BATH POWDER attractively packaged. $1, value........ 69c TOOTH BRUSI4ES AND PARTES PURTEX TOOTH BRUBH. 19C. *ach, 3 for.............. 55c PROPHYLACTIC T O O T H BRUSH. Regularîy 50c .. . .39C P EE RL E SS STERILIZED TOOTH BRUSH. 2 for .... .19C 35c CALOX TOOtH POW- .E ...........21C PURITANI TOOTH PASTE. 21c aize, 3 for ......... .. er BQUIB8 sTOOTI4 'A8TK »3 CALOX ANTISEPTIC. 75c size 49C MOTH PREPAItATIONS ENOZ MOTH. LIQUID. $1'.65: size .................... g BAYE-TEST MOTHLIQUID. O'aart ......1....... .....65 DOROTHY GRAY- MAKE-UP TRIO. Face powder, rouge and Iipstick, $2.75 value...$.5 BOURJOIS SPECIAL. Evening in Paris face po'wder, andtwo Y2 drami bottles' of: perfume. $1.65 value.............$.1 GARDENIA FACE POWDER. Formerly $1.......9 ELGIN-A ME 91CAN ULP- STICK.$1vle....5 SANNETTE-C L EAN SIN G TISSUE. 500sheets....3 POWDER PUFFS........_3e HINDS1 HONE.Y.eAI> AL- MÔ1ND LOTION. SOcsiie.:.39e C U T-E X. FIV E-MINfUTE, MANICURE SET....9 SU8 LADYESTJIER Fo.ur purpose cream ........92c HOUSEHOLD NEEDS WIEBOLDTS CLEANER, 17c FAMJLY AMMONIA. Y2 gai- .o . . . . . . . . . . . .29C 25e RUBBER GLOVES ..19e LATEX GARDEN GLOVES................ 39e 7S. BAYER'5 ASPIIN .. .49C SQUIBB'S ASPIRIN. l3ottle of FITCH SHAMpoo. 75c size................. ld MAR-O-OîL SHAMPOO. $1. s me ... . . . . .*. . . ..59e WIEBOLDT's RAZOR1 BLADES. 10 for . ...... EX-LAX. 50e size ...... 34* GENUINE RUSSIAN M I1N.. ERAL OWL 3/2gallon....69c R U BB ING ALCOHOJL. 16 oz., size. 2 for ........... 19e BoeÀâsBuause,~t 'i'" 55* ie«. white, uands-e- t - .. à%- conainin 24 sleets Vellum sta- I 5 .. cPEL20snl set ..1e tionery and 24 envelopes .. .. 19C t I ENVELOPES to match,- 24 in PRISCILLA- SEWING CABI- I Package, '2 for........... 15C. NET filled with stationery. .89e WILMB'TTB LIp