six,, 88c .och 15.000 Yards of New ,Sprlag and. Summer Fabrles SILKS *RAYONS ACETATES 4Sx36 Pp.d Celloph rappd, saine quality asi" Phahepuael SNIETUNC 27c, Uuusually fine qualjty. Unbleached. The Peppereili name is -your guar- a ntee of fine quality. Pre-Iauni- dered, cellophanie wrapped, reaýdy for years of hard wear. 80 Square UnbU.a.h. MUSLIN 12%~c 3V' cut full pieces. Slowe.. Liasu Se.wdrop Crepe Nov.Ity Crelpe yamrd Fremol Ciepe Rayon Plaid Tofetes Many other new novelty weaves. Values to,89c.,Ful ,color rangé. Muamfcturers CIose@.tI FINE TAILORED SEDSPREADS du Ray, and mnauy other smart fabricu. bgeuierly $498 $098 9OX108* Pure Dye Silk Prisuts Finest quality printed pure dye -siliks. Plenty of navy backçgrounds. Values6Up to$1. yard temberg SIm*eus flhe smartest styled sheers of the seasonl 1 T'-&L - f.. --]s yard PEPPERELL 80 SQ. PERCALS 14/2C« yard ins to .... ..2 Plan that smart different weaves. new white coat now!1 Second Pi..7, W,,LMBTTB LIFE Many I i