The season's scoop I 1Full fine' Twist fabric that' will withstand the con- stanit strain of. daily bard wa am will flot shine 1 SkilfullY tailored to exacting specifications. $2. DOWNI Baelouce la 10 We.kt IStorewide Sole! Mensi SUPUti-T.WN 514*RTS Eere ig more than your money's worth! Fine count broadcloth with riIstSn .tailoring and N ~ SU UTS ,Sàes 124o.20, Well-tàilôred one ,'and two. L o ng ie suits in g r e y s brôwns, navy and other blues. Double breasted models' with fancy backs. ý .%: 1 Sizes 13% to 18. Steeve lengths 32 to36. In blue and whkite. s of fine' Finel'rus hed r 3 button ish spun yari te, Maze, h aî1f zippi Brown, Oxfc Me,?: Shop-Street Floor Middy and coat. fancy 'patterns. 89c values. styles ini solid colors and Sizes 8 to 19. Regular 7 7 Boys*. Model Brand SH IRTS Zipper. and button fronts. With long and short sleeve. Sizes 8 to1. I&es l< 26 W LUETTE LF *SUITS SprIne. Suitel I 7 IL-IFE,