GIVES BRIDGE LUNCHEON M rs. . J. 1King. 611 Forest ave- nue, enteÉtained twelve guests at luncheon and bridge Tuesday. M rs: E. H. Burge and ber: claugh- ter, Alison, 924 Forest avenuec, re- turned Friday from a tbree weeks' vacation in Dallas where thev visited Mrs. Burge's-sister, Mrs. M. F. Kirk. Legare-Loving Photos*, Scenes front the Gilbert and Sl liý,an operef fa *'The Mikado," ' hc M rs. Vosburg] ibering preseaited, b tu'o separate After LOI tasts 'of staidents,tis Friday and Saturday ai New Trier High school. r.Mrs Ayward H. At the left, are Betty Rosen ,(Peep- Bo), Bob Vernon (Pooh-Bah), Kath- ryn Sbank (Yum-Yum), and Virginia Buchanan (Pitti-Sing). Lower tenter, Bob Browni (Ko-Ko), Dick Fraser ( Poo-'Bah), Derbigney Denis (Pisb-Tush), lxo%% low before Carol Letts, (Katisha>., and Frank Boro- vicka (Thei Mikado). Uppeir-ýet. are a nuiber of the meinbers of the cast. .Standinîg. Dick Fraser (Pooh-Bah), Sandy WVilder (Pish Tusb), Clarence Lineberger (The Mikado), Louise Busscher (Yum- Yum), Dexter Sharp (nianki-Poo).. Front row, Betty Burlingtoiî (Pitti- Sing), Draper Dayton (Ko-Ko>, and Betty Faxon (Peep-Bo)., Right, are Katherilie Shanik,,(Yum-7 Yum), and Jack Byrurn (.Nanki-Poo). ENTERTAIN ITO Mr's TH. B. Mtlfnrd. 835' Rnw.nd t.amwuuu -aveiue, pas Moiiday evening aftel three years. sh Dies Sg Illness Vosburgh, 924 secd away last ýr an illneSS of Funeral services were conducted yesterday afternoon at the Scott fun- eral chapel on Greenleaf avenue. by the Rev. George D.. Allison. linter-' ment was at Rosehili cemetery; Mrs. Vosburgh, .who at one tinme was active in the work of the Par- ent-Teacher organization. lias.. been a resident of the village for the past 17 years. Shie is survived bv li er hbus - band; by three daughters, N1r s. F.dwina McDoiîaId, of Tuscon. Ari.z., ,ind Miss Harriet Elizabeth and Miss Georgia Alice Vosburgh. both of whom live at home; and by two brothers, 'Frank Woodbury of -M il- W.aukee, and - IXavid Xoodburv o Ocean Park.Calif. RETURN FROMSOT Mr. and Mrs. -H. E Spinney. 927 Ashland avenue, returned Fridav frobn %~-bw A - -& KJ *Il E. FômryAibrighI Seauty Shop7tÊ l 9.Wi*e eAve..WîImitfe4 . c mN YOUR OWN HOME