Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1936, p. 11

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Miss Ruth Bennett, trained in help- ing people finci a good time, or bring -it wvith them, wili bave charge of the programn. A, bit ýof' sentiment may creep ïiii at times,.but' mostiy it will be' a -happy get-together of these "pals," with the hope of better. com- panion.ship and.. understanditig as a resuit. Board Denies Permit for Confection Stand A request by John H. Finney and, jean Paddock, for, a permit to op- erate a.stand .for the sale, of candy, gunii and( cigarets on Village property *at theý vaterwvorks during the bathing season, referred tô the Judiciary .com- mitte.e at a former meceting. was denied by the,.Village board at ,its Imeeting Tuesday night. in. con formnity with a recomimeudation, of the com ,mnittee. lt was .sta-ted that the Park boardI had ex.perimiented with re- fre,li *nient stanids ,at the beach il, previous years, and foilnd thenm very ùnsatisfactory. HÎence the practice wa, discoiitiiued some years ago. Marie. Aider Now at Home Convaleseing L Mrs. J. W. Aider and her daughiter. àlarie. returned iast week froni Xorth; Conwiay, N. H., where Nlarie hiad *been confined in a hospital since Feb- ruary 16. She had gone up to Inter- *vale. N. H., froni the Ersiçine schoi *in Bostoni, for, a w.çek-enid of skiing and just before she was to leave she seriously, fractured ber armn. Shie is' recovering quite satisfactorilv but is unable to return to her studies this semnester. Mr. and Mrs. ,Alder's house-gucst for *severai davs last %vleek was 0. B. Sonstagen' of -Mani towoc, XVis. NAVAL ARCHITECT EXAMS The LU,'ted States Civil Service rnii 2,oî a nhlaunced open' w*II oppreciote YOUR PATRONAGE *"ve you everdropped Int stores where wo10 one toi.d b care vey much whether -you ever came back? ':Weil, here's one place where your patronage là appreciated... and we always try our best to impress that fact by .giving lpromipt, courteous, Intelligent, and interested service. '-Our speciaity, yout know, 18 prescriptions. We pride ourselves* on filipg every. prescription, 'just as. the Doctor ordèred,' wlth fresb, potent drugs. Asic your doctor about 'us." Caries Photo Thé eie'gagemtesat of ,MissBetty Schaêb e rt 01 Wii>mtka to Rayrnond Murray-of ,Keeiltorth has jsst beeii-anni.oIinced by mrs., August Schubert of M'It.'Pleasaitt road. Jrganize New Gleoe in Italian as WPA Project Large attendance and- high inter- est was reported irom WPA 'classes .11 psychology and current évents 4eing held' ini'the Xilmette Public iib)rary, by Works Progress adminis- ration officiais this. week., A new .ssini advanced Italian is 'beirig arranged by request to. be held Thurs- Iav nighits f rom 8 :30 to 10 o'clock in t he Garrett' Bihlical Itistitu te cn VACATIONS IN SOUTHWEST. Mr. anid Mrs. C.* A. Keller, 820 GreeniwoQd avenue, returned Thurs- day froni a three months' ,vacation ini thesouthwest. They spent a month in San Antonio, a month ini Phoenix, and aiothe r in California where they divided their timne between HolIy- Wood, Saii Mateo, and San Francisco. They met Wiimette friends ail. aiong biotHE' A Caud7 by Page &Shaw Mid Whitman dr.snd eopcal for Motker, aIs. suitable-gifts fron our Perfuman n Toi- lett7 9prtent. p DARCAINS 40e SquibbWs Tooth Piste 33c 50e Calox tTooth Powder 39c $Oc Pepsodent .......39C 20e Colgate's Tooth Paste -i 1OC 5e Squilbs Cold Cream ...47C Arnmand Creaux.. .......sO Se Velomar Lotion .....47c »ce Hind's Almond Lotion 39c. Pinaud'as Lilac Vegetal... U 25e Noxzema Creaum 1 SC Witch Hamel, put .....29C Yardeéy's Body.,Tlc S 3 E.C. CAMel Brick- Q r Strawierry Ce iriQUar P~acag- 39c, Butter Pecan Golf and Teurns Golf Bail., 25C. 35c. 50.75c Golf Tre"e.......... . s Tenus B&16..... 3 for $.19 $1,25 petro-psyllm ..... .9 $1.00 Nujol .. ...54c $1.10 Wild Root Hair Tonie ..74c $100 Lavomis .... ..67c rsoc Alka Seltuer ............49c, $125 leuit Iron and Wine,.89~C uEl Unuitn.............43c Squibb's Minerai Oit, qt . ... 8C .%c Squibb's Yeast TeMht. .45C 1< ý' : . 41 Lndn ve 20 Central St., Evanstoi W1 indfen 412. UNIv.ruity 4700

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