Are Waitimg for'Yomu of 402 Linden Ave. Swisi Pr.ceu, Milk.1chocolte Hîeres something thaets god for the children and a treatfo the whole f*mity-8O pieces tin-fo6il wrpped-. ILmu ý Pototohips crisp. orlunchoon >or I7 a, buet uppor. lb. Pecan MAeats FOr, salds, dossorts.c for solting or U»sel I. Prunes isyrp ChIli and serve for a breakfast fruit or u se for dsetwt Co.Co BrsorMrhm if. 6 fo I 21/2 lis31lc une- Round Steak For frying quickly, have Ithlk.for Sws steak or baking. Ilollbut Steak- Broil, fry or, bake. Serve witk- flower and buttered fresh peas. Genuine Filet of Sole The real soie which means that if c ut thin-thlcker fopr * baking. Callfiowl freïh cauli- is tender, >r frying have lb. 44c ,er, Cook whole and with fresh $ peae. surround 15c, if. c ut thi;: ib.27C Stewing Heus Um, chiclen stew is such a trOaf--" *specially when served with boiled onions and fresh l.2 peas. I 9 . Genuine Calves' Spinoch Muscle-builder a sprig tonicf Bushe for the children and for the whole farmfly. .3 pecI24 c Colifornic Sweet COCO TAPIFY MItS. now type Of coCO aut C., wotoo CHOCOLATE MARSH- MALLOW, -COOK1iEs. Two devils food c 0 0k i oSchocolatse frostod *nd c.ntsrod wit~marsmeltw -C BLACK RAIPBERRY -S. good with hot mwiffns r whon combipod with cotta i REJ) RASPSIRRY- As rod and lnviin as tMe fresh fruit. i b.1e JC C.mbinctiom price-l of ce 59cý Grapefruit Florhia.+.-irge siz.--refrosh- iwng and juicy. Dowen 95c .3 for 27C Sugor Loaf Cabbage Fresh,.and crisp-for cookng orl. for. Slawq 3 Reuor skine. . ic osl0 SaM.SW~fracs e m Mfe sir«# WINNETKA' 718 ElM St. WluuthaSI5 MAYl j36 151 00 t 116 ib"w Àý ý - 3 L-L!-- il%- qumw MW à ' à