Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Apr 1936, p. 70

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Next Suday* being the first Sunday of ttie month, will be the. regilar Aun- day for the boys and girls ot the Comn- mnunion leagues. They> will make their Communion at elther the or Il o'clock services. Thoeregular fmonthl>' metlng of the Culth will be held. the second FrIda>' ln the. montli, May 15. Frida>', May' 1, will be St. Phlip's and St. James' Day, There wfll b. HoIy, Cgmmunien at Sa. M. The rector wlll conduct the funeral service for, Mrs. -C. J.> Sumfnei', mother of ms. H., F.Pernble.this atternoon (Thursda>') at 2:30 trom the,,Scott' Funeral Home. Wilmette Baptist Wllmette and Foretît avenues, Rev. George D. Allison, pasftor On- Suada>' inerning, at Il o'clec]k, Dr. Allison Continues ý hie -stirring memona based on .timel>' Messages ln ancient chronicles with. the theine *Meaching Another to See God,1" from il <!Iwonteles 26,~5. Surety vone of the greatest tasks of the bellever le to tIm- part te another the secret ot faith. Corne and leamu te know God, "Whom to- know aright la lite eternal." A cordial Invitation la extended te ail whose dlty dees net eall elsewllere. The chorus choir wilI sing and Miss Koch playe organ numbers of religious help- fuinems.1,.1' Bunda>' evenl ,meeting, the yot Invite tlieirf chuirches te bui LIIFS5A '*45 DiUs 1 a graduate of doing a fine jobl aud hear him, a. ing boys. The comiung we soclet>' te the4 'he board meel as guesta et Mr A P- edera,' , at tlieir 6 o'clock peopl~etfthis church rida et neighboring iex ln tellowship and a new play by Mrs. Ia>', M.1lard Coiina, ýeniacu universl1ty, la South Chicago. Corne &n'a man *ho la help- rek bri clo'sei » our Woman's apother year. nday at 12-30 Dernehl, Mro, 7eoh!ge D. AMli- n FYiday,. aise St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues J. Hl. Gockel, pastor 9 :15 a. m.-First service. 9:30 a. m.--Sunday scehool, and Bible classes. il a.' m.-Sgconid service. MEETINGS. Marthia Guili, for girls employed lu north sbioreBhoÎmes, toda'; Se p.,. get- acquainted hour;- 4 P. im., Bible study ; 4:30 P. M., business session»; 5 P.lni., socilheu:6p. rm. .supper. OUnn Ic, toay;with Mrs. G. F. Simons, 234.S eteenth street. Adult. catechumen class, toda>', 7 p. mn., lu the paétor's, study. Junior Walther League, Frida>', 8 p. m.;.reception of tonfirination. class lnto membership. .Adult catechumen class, Monda>', 8 p. mi., ln the, pastor's, study., Church council, Tuesday, 8 p. mi. The order of service at Il o'clock willl Include thé. tollowlng: Prelude Preludio .. . Uuilmant-Warren introit-"Make A Joyful Noise 17nte (loi, Ail Vo Lands" ........Sehnftck Anthem-"Beautlft lSavior'..... . ..«*-Arranged by Christiansen Offertory-"AMorgenstimmung" . .. Grieg The Sermnon-"The Root of Ail Evil".. 1 Thrnothy 6:10 Postlude-Postlude in PF...Guilmant This evenIn*g the. pastor will present an lllustrated lecture on "The Lite ot S1t. Paul," at 8 P. in. Though the lec- ture la belng sponsored by the Martha Guild, ail are cordiali>' lnvIted to cerne. Tt need hardI>' be stated tliat the. lite ot Paul la a stor>' ot absorbing Intereat.. Kenilgvorth Unieon. Dr. Herbert L. W.Ilett, minister Dr. Wllett's subJêecttor Sunda>', May 3. wlll be "The World Caîl." The serv- ice la at il o'clock. A cordial Invitation la extended te those flot attending church elsewhere te corne and worship with us. This la a. union church. Its meanbership inc1udes, people trorn varieus denominatleus. It preclalma ,the essential truths et the Christian, taith. It desirea te provIdeý for the commùunît>' the service ot wor- shipp religlous educatien and social t.l-j iowship. The board of trustees will hold its regular monthly -meeting Monda>' eve- ning, Ma>' 4, at 7:~30,P. m. ýat the church., .Thursàday evening, Ma>' 14, there1 will1 be a varied evening's programn of mùsic. plays, askits and a demnonstration cf roé ects from -th!s year's Church achool work. The 6:30 dinner will b. served b>' the Woman's Gulld. Reserve your eveni'ng, for this Church school. evenlng.. EÈG ULAR ANNOUNCEMENTS SundaY-9 :30 a. m.--Church school for ail departmnents; .il1e. . m.Moirning church ,service;-. il a., m.-Beginners' department; il. a. m.-Wlorld Friend- shipprograni. Tuesday-3:30 p. M.--Ca,îp FPire Girls; 7:30 P. m.-Boy Scout Troep,.No. 1. 1WednesdAY-3 :30 P. nm. - Brownies; 7:f30 p. m.-Boy, Scout Troop' No. 2. Thursday-3:90,1p..-Orlchoir me- hearsal,; 4 P. m.-Boys' choir rehear-sal. 7:15 P.,m.-Sentor choir rehearsal. ,Saturday '10 :30 a. m.-Girls' ehoir. ré-. hearsal; il a. m.-Boys' choir rehearsal.. rFirst Presbyterian Nlnth street at Greenleat avenue James. T. Veneklasen, ininister The nxorning Worship service wiIl be. held at il o'cleck. The minister will- preacli on thie theme, "The RestraiUts et Religion." We cordiali>' invite you to worship with us. The. musical prograni for the worship service will be as follows: prelude. "Faith lu Spring," Schubert-Liszt; anthem, "Christian, the Mom," Shelley;~ solo, "The Dawn of Redemption," Gray, Edward Otis, soloist; postludè, "Marcii * lu D," Buck. Miss Erma Rounds la di- rector. The Pastor's clams for those who wluh to prepare for church membership wil meet at 9:30 o'clock. Our' Sunday school meets lu aIl de- partinents at 9:30 o'clock. During a period ot adjustment of accommodations for the dep#rtmnents, there will be need of' patience, wlth the ultirnate hope of better aeeorMmodations for. ail. Our Adult Bible clams invites you te> ineet with the gÉoup at 10 o'clock te study the. last years ýand letters: et "Paul's Lite," wor 51 wo i p .............. . il a . 'The music for the service of worship next Sunday morning is as follows: Organ Prelude--ýAndante," 4th Sym- phony..... ........... ... -..Widor Anthem-The Klnýg.of Love My Shepherd Io..... ...................Shelley Solo--selected Mr. Walter Peterson Postlude-March Op. 22......... Grieg Victoria McLeod-.Min istryof Music Senior choir rehearsal, Friday ev'ening at 7:30 o'clock. Junior choir rehearsal. Saturday .norning at 10 o'clock. The Baccalaureate s ervice of The Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary will be held Sunday, May 3, at 3:30 p. mn. at the Semlnary chapel ln Maywood. The Church achool:conveneseach Sun- day morning at 9:45 o'clock. We haive a very fine Church achool wjth very good teachers and are always glad to welcome new pupils. Our Luther leaguers will joini the Luther. league ot, Chicago ln a roller skating party on Monday evenng, May 4. We will meet at the church at 7 o'clock. If you are lnteremted lu going phone Chester Jaehne, University, 4997. ,.The Church counnil wlli meet on Tues- day eveblng, May 5, at the church at 8 o'clock. The Woman's societ y Will.. meet 'on Thuirsday afternoon, May 7, at the church at 2 o'clock. 'Mrs.-,Williamn Lind!, berg WiUl present the topic, Mrso. Robert Daley wIll have the magagIie quiz, and Mrs. Kiemni and Mrs. S. Ohlson wlll be the hostesses. We inv-ite' you to worship) with. us next Sunday morning at il o'clock. Methodist Church The Rev. Amoes Thoruburg, minister The minister will be in the pulpit at the il o'ciock worshlp service neit Sun- day morning. Menibers and trienda are reminded that the service begins with. the organ prelude at 10:45 o'clock. The music for Sunday niorning, Ma>' 3, wili be as 'follows: Organ (10,*45) : "Nocturne" . .Gnle "Chapel et San Miguel'? ...Seder Marie, Briel lntrolrt: "Father, Inu Thy Mysterlous Presence" .. . ... Matthews Antheni by the Choir: "Even Me".. .~Warren Offertor>' Solo: "Alleluia"...Hummel May A. Strong Organ Postinde: Allegro Moderato" (1 iSonata) ........Mendelssohùn * provide a nlower fer ever>' mother tBenson, 212 WOOdbine- avenue. --Co- uew postage Abracadabra will ineet e.t the home present. hostesses: Mesdames Arthur Schwarm willbe eut of Mr. snd Mrs. Philip R. Melangton, and N. . Booz. has special- 606 Lake avenue, Frida>', May' 1. Mr. A mass meeting under the auspices is glvlug his and Mrs. A. W. Farraîl wlll assiat. ofetThe. Emergency Peace Campaigu will If you do net have your ticket for Plonear of -b. held Teusday, May' 5. at 8 e'clock in the. annual Spring luncheon te b. held k tomnorrow The Illinois Cenference of Congrega- Orchestra halL Tii. speaker will be at the Shawnee Coluntry club on Thuma- tin Baptist tional churches la held May 4, 5 and 6 George Lausbur>', M. P., et Englanid. day eof next week (Ma>' 7), pleafe call )on, Ma>' 6, lu the. Glen Ellyn CoDngregational church. The public lo aeestl> Invited. Mrs. C. Roii SmtWimte <2

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