ON THE TELEGRAIPH ROAD BE. twecn1 Haif Day Rtoad (Route -22) and Oid Milli Joad, with one acre prlv- ate road lined wlth dm trees leadlng back to the 20 acres.. Lake ForestI water, electrlcity, gas, telephone aval - ý able. Id eai siteý for country home. Low price. Sec' our iguýonproperty. MCGUIRE & ORR, Inc. 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, -WII. 228 328 Park Avenue, Gl'»encoe Glencoe 13 124LTN52-ltc GLENVIEw ON WAGNER RD., OPPOSITE NORTH Shore Golf Club, highly restricted, acreage tracts, wooded and open. Water, road and electrlcity. SUNSET RIDGE BEST BUY NORTH 0F WILLOWV Road. 6.25 acres for $6,500. WYATT &OCOONS 1026 Waukegan rtd.,, Glenview Phone 81 124LTN52ltp Beautifully Wotxled Tract 0F 32 ACRES, S. W. CORNER WAU- kegan and Haif Day Itoads. Tiiis la attractive property and bound to en- liauce ln- value. Special price, $600.00 per acre for Immediate sale. McGUIRE, & ORR, Inc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Cooperat ion of Broicers Invited 124LTN52-lte CHOICE SMALL ESTATES AND Farms, near Barriugton. 6-10-40 acres, with mioderu bouses and bidgs. F. Wýtanner, 19 S. La Salie, State-5111. 124LTN52-ltp Von njuLz--wAmUB A 40 ACIE FAiRU WITA NirI L- 1 tle -home on the top of a hi»l overlook- ing a pretty little lake where wild game abounds. An orchard, berry bushes, strawberry patch, brand new pouitry bouse, good rlch land. This fanm can be bouight for $7,500.' Phone us. for finanrcing dtis NORTH WESTERN REALTY AND BUILDING Co. Builders for 35 Years 528, Davis St. UNI. 9500 12SLTN52-ltc RELAI. ETATE LOANs NORR SHORt FilDANS Used Frngidmairoe COMPLETE RNCONDMTONED AND GUÀRAITELrD "- ÂL L 8S1Z E . PRicED FRom $30 O r$100. 4LB l BARGAINS IN REPOBESSE FRIGIDAIRES. CoiivENI1NT TRmS NORTH SHORE> REFR1IGERÂTION Co. 1551 Maplie Ave., Evanston Wlu. 671 129LTN50-4tP WE SU IGEST AS B3est Buys' of t he- Motith BEAUT. GRAND PIANO $295:- RARE 014 melodeon, fine cond. $95; ioveiy greeni porch set,, 8 pcs. inc. swinging seat :$32; unusuai rustic twin beds compl. -$35: 'antique 'mnah. ,occasionai éhair $15-, mah. fiat-tojpped degk $9 ; pîng. pong table $12. Many other bar- galins. For -appt. callU innetka 2067. 129LTN52-ltc POOlL TAB3LË FULL SIZE BRJJNSWICK TABL4E with ail accessorles In A-i condit Ion. Cali Winnetka 259 betwcen 5 and7 P. m 129LTN62-lte SAVE MONEY FURNITURE AND RUGS FOR ALL rooms ln the house. Porch furniture and glider. Sec us for good buys. Red Flarningo Resale Shop 970 Linden Ave. Wlnnetka 2067 129LTN52-ltc 'USED SEWINGMACHINES $496 UP. Singera, Whites, etc. We repair al ette sepoc wing. R WF ýSPECIALIZE IN S complete furuishings of apartments. Wc relieve yf sponsibility and can ase maximum prices. Cail Roge! FURNITURE 0OP L home. Very tali book ca sideboard, hand-cS.rvedw tables, etc. 1121 Morse Park, 111. Porcelain-lihed Refri 75 lb. ç.P5.cit3 ory Avenue, WiUmette. lot floo?. 129LTN562ltp modeM orantiquie, aMd. oter boume-, hoid artiles. Wili.ialso accept your furnituire on cou- lgamefit baoIa. 104-cmersot i 1t., UvlaÙfton IUM 0189 GREIENLEAP 1005 HIGHNST PIONS PAIID FOR USE» furniture, rmgaentire Rata or -1.plece. WU BUFUNTR ]RuGs,STVSXN' & WQUMEN' 0103.1$0LTN52-4tp WELCHA91iR 1. MIG hoT ivREt. Ao 1 pair crutches, $2. WILMtTTE 1455 BRASB AND WÂLNUT SINGLE BED, spring and mattresa, excellent con- dition, $15. Metai floor lamp, $3. Wlcker portih chairs. Dresses, coata, etc. Size 16. Very reas. Ph. Wiim.ette 2152.. 13ILTN52-ltp $1-$6 AUTO TRUNK,. SPRIN S, MAÂT- tresses, kitchen furn., fernery. Coats, graduation dresses, formais, 1GS.y 90s" costumes, etc. Size 16. Wlnnetka 3878. 131LTN52-ltI] ý'Na-1u UI 93--ki FG THE FUR COATS- nes and all re-Martin's you of 742 Outer, Eval ri 7718. ___ ____ 'N5-1p unk, De Shilalas to whack the golf baîls will bc in order. in the match that starts at -2:.30 o'clock. Sunday after- noon, silice the Kelly lboys wert boni in County, Mayo, Ireland. They have been asociated with golf clubs suchb as Countryside, IElmgate, Sunset Val-. ley, and Bon-Air for the past 15. years, rivalling in point of service thie other, brother combinations of the district, Trommny and Sandy Armour' of- Medinah, ,'Fink Walsh of Bryn Mawr and Tom Walsh of* Westgate VISIT IN.-INDIMA Henry:J. Brandt, 816 Forest avenue, and Dr. P. W. Merrifield, 1014. Elni- wood avenue, are in Brown County, Ind., for ten days. ENTERTAIN is GIJESTS Mr. and Mns. George W. Stewart, 2403 Iroquois road, entcrtained the sixteen members of their bridge club on Saturday evening. The marriage of Miss Anne Neimi, daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Michael Neimi of Owen, Wis., to Frederick ,Curtis Fisher, Jr., of Winnetka, took groom. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are v at home at 2254 Southi Greenl Bay roa4, Ravinia. IProcurement Division, -Publiç WorkS î 3ranch. 'Washington, D. C.. April 10, 1936.-Sealed bida in duplicata wIU be pubiiciy opeued lu t1is, 60ce at 10 A. IL- A m j ,a - 0 1- g . f oir fu ru lai i f a U :I W »bo $200'O $20e0sa 4% TO 5%% U -M MCGUIRE & ORRI mc. Ove 4 TeraofDepeldableS SwVce Ovr 0 am SOfEv iton 1GM .1080 iséDaioet iz,&lmTIJrtc .Mjwri'32 t te 4892, I 29LTN52-ltP 1 1