Action A rystery tale wbich alternately 1eeps the audience 1aughing andi guessinig, "Muss 'Env Up" cornes to Teatro del, Lago0, this Friday and Satuarday., Preston Foster is. both charming and conviniflg as the detective ini the mystery tale. A fake kidnaping and a real murder proviîde the motive for, the action ini the swift-moiring play while,,"Big Boy " Williams al- Most steals, away thepicture as the detectives'S stooge. bMarch of TIme Margaret Callahan and Florine McKinney provide the love interest -i "Muss 'Em, Up."' The program is supplementeti with the Iatest eédi- tion.of the "March.of-Time." Rich. in historic glamor and p)ower is the film version of. the great Dicken'"s classic,."'A Tale of Two Cities,." which is scheduled for Teat- ros screen oni Sunday, Monday, and Tuesdayý. Ronald Colemnat gîves an- other inagnificent performance with bis portrayal of Sydney Carton, brul- lianit young Iawyer, mwho. althlough riîined by liquor. gives up his life for bis. frienis. "Trait of Lonesome Pine" Marks New Era in TrueColor Films Dyte v3mt tAl IIALIV11I.a ier orfL JIIA* day, Friday, and Saturday of this week. Honestly portrayeti characters, creci- ible situations, are conibined, with su- perb direction. James Cagney plaYs the leading- role, as :X. a pilot irresponsible. in, the air, irresist- ible on theérud while Pat O'Brien ithe lhard-work- i n g 9 hard-driving boss of the air Truly, Americau ' Jimrny Ijonel RBarrynore, an -a irport to steal a, girl's heart, ,and in'doing sosends a. fellow pilot, play- ed, by Stuart Erwin to bhis death.. Then Cagney does his best to make Up for his part in the tragedy. So truly American is "Ah, Wilder- ness," adapteti from Eugene O'Neill's play,~ which cornes to the Wilmette theater, Sunday, Monday, and Tues- day, that critics have joined in laud- ing it as niarking a new, departure inl motion pictures. Lionel Barrymore gives one ,of the finest performances of bis great career as the kindly fa- ther, Eric Linden and Wallace Beery are also outstanding. to their ancient homleland and to build there a permanent refuge for themselves and for thousands of other Jews f rom Eastern Europe and Ger- many. In less than two decades 300,000 men, women and children have, streamed into Palestine, relic of. the past, treastire-house of memôries, and have' transformed' it into a reborn- land of thriving agricultural settle- ments, busy cities and centers_ of learning and scientific .ecperment. Tirheroic achievements inire- building the jewish homeland awake an echo in the hearts of ail Americans. who recail a similar pioneering era in the early days of the frontier. CROSOY'S NEXT. "Rhythm on the Range" 'is the nlame of the 'ne xt picture, in which Bing Crosby is scheduled to appear. ENTERTAIN AT SHAWNEE Miss Bettyjean Harding Arcus, daughter of Mrs. Beatrice Harding Arcus, 726 Washington avenue, eni- tertained eigbt of hier frientis at the Junior dinner-dance at Shawnee Country club Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Chapmati movet f rom Wilmette to 822 Forest Cobvad Vuit-HehUa Via... Noah B..y Peaure Starts 7:15. 9:50 ria.,May -1-2 Presto.Foster Latest 'marcb of im" Travelogue -Color, Cartoon News. reature $tarte FridaY 7:45,,9:45 Tenture Starta Saturday 2:20. 4:2M, :20, 8:20, 10:15 Sun., Mon., Tues., May -5 (Charles ]Dickens'. Classie) C;ITM IES" ýwith Ronald Coim Silly Sym phony Color Cartoon- "music. Land", - News Teaturé Starte Sunday 2:20,ý 4:45i 1:15,9:40 Feature Stairts Mon., Tues. 7:20, 9 45 Bari [n the LNews ys G.eme Rayme Major Bowes Sereen - Easy Feature S 7: mnouiltaineerS, I-luywoouu j3psse another milestone. Trhat -was the opinion of one of the sèreen's greatest critical authorities after viewing "The Trail of the Loule- somne ,Pine," whichý cornes to the V\ar- gity. theater this Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Trime,,Glowang Cëons Photographed i alost entirely ini the opetn, nature's tru e glowitig colors have been presexted with the utmost fidelity, with none of the harsh, brittie Dust," now on the boards at the Great Northern theater, Chicago's new repertory company - Theater Numn- ber One, Federal unit-is weIl on its way towards its aim of supplying the need for a permanent, professioflal theater at popular prices. The current production "Chalk Diust," with' its lively and thougbt- provoking story of. a metropolitail high school, illustrates the ability Mrs. John W. Nuzum. of 745 Michi- gan avenue is entertaining eight mem-j bers of ber bridge club at luncheonI on Friday of this week. Mr. anti Mrs. B. F. Dvorak, 1137, Locust roati, Wilmette, are moving to 361 Hawthorne lane, Winnetka, this week, P~hone DEN