W. bave a complete stockc of quality- hardware and gardening supplies a t feasonable prices. Seeds, grass. seed, garden toots, rubber garden hose,>lawn- prnkiersi lawn mowers, and. Vigoro, ý he complete, scientificaily .prepared lant food. Corne in and inspect Our. Stock, or phoneyour order; il will thave our careful, attention.> Order ,enough- Vgoro for everything you. ~L EI. 1219 WMINETTE AVER. WLNETTE Sm, BIGGER . ILOSSOIS wTtotOv Dgrow intio on a care- 1502Y ~ DU xiwhrehe à bià head- quae Cs. Plamting Shribs md Ea" gesm It is shrub-planting. time and we wish to off er some suggestions to those **ho wish tb improve ;their. plantings î. hrough the use of shirubs, and evergreens., It has been ouf ob- servation that both, shrubs and ever- greens are now offered at Ivery rnod- est prices and it wiii be surprising how much material can .be se'cured for a small sumn. As far as evergreens are c oncerned, it mnust be recognized, that àny suitabie specimens have been growvn. in the nursery for five or more years and that during that imeé they have been transplanted frequently t0 make them more satisfactory. There.. fore, their ard1aively higher price is, justified. Tree Main Faictrs The sticcess of shrub and evergreen plantings will depend upon three prin- cipal factors, namely the quality of the specimens planted, the manner of planting and the locations 'in which they are placed. When shrubs are taken f romn the, nursery the roots are usually packce rater hanthose whicil are carricu, in stores or displayed for. sale along some street.or highwaày. Shrubs not secured f ront the nursery are gener- ally, either plants which have been stored for some tîme after being dug or else they are. plants which have been removed from the nursery in the necessaàry 4thinninig" operations and not because they are -desirable specimens or especiàlly satisfactory for repflanting. Usually, littie care is observed in digging such plants and, as a resuit the mortality is'very high as' compared with',nursery, fresh plants.' Another important consider- ation is that most.nurseries will guar- antee the plantings made by them- selves, so that the initial cost is the Iast. Here's Planting Technsiqufe In planting shrubs, the plants should be set slighly. deeper tbaii tbey grew in.the nursery and thie holes should be aniply large to ac- commodate the roots without cramp- ing or bending thern. Any broken roots should be cut off clean and not broken off. A good, friable top soul should be worked ini aMong the roots. so that no air pockets remain, each successive quantity of soul being tamped in firmly. When the bole is filled evn with the surrounding soul lUAem.aP . o.G table additions, and if one were, to groW ail of the best types and colore in one garden it would have' to be a large one indeed. This continuons influx of new mem- bers can only be regarded. as a tribute to., the vitality, of the. floWer,. and its adaptability to almost every condi- tion.« Today we, can find a petunia to groW 'anywhere and of àa color 10 harmonize with any other flower or surround.ing. Rose Gem, an award of Menit win- ner for 1936, selected by the 'Ail- American committee, britngs ncw, glory* t the petunia, family. t is -a bright rose cëolon' whiéh even the strongest sun will flot fade. It has a ve ry compact growth of a bally habit during its blooming period. This chaïacteristic, along with its small stature, only 6 to 8 inches, make il an ideal border plant, or window box subjeet. Like most petunias, it iu easily grown, and may be sown out ini the open, or started indoors in flats for early bloom and to lengthen the sea- son for them. Because of its com- the ehydratioi of the Sworiu s iargest Dro ia samitary, ical, frcause it Co;PI*t .~. Feedlng - Seeding Ighrabu - Trees - Peremade 1449 Wlumette Ave. Tepheue WIImette 264 ness arouna :the ban ot cartîa. £m burlap covering should be removed carefuiiy tb prevent the breaking up of the bail. Tamp the soil in firrnly and dike as was described for shrubs. Feedintg Rsseittiol .The incorporation of finely divided peat moss and a good treefood 'of a 10-6-4 analysis wiil do much to in- sure the success of the planting. The In the window box, Rose Gem should harmoiiize well with a balcony strain of deep bine, the latter to trait over the side and the pinlc for a cen- ter, with a row of sweet alyssum for a white border. These three hardyr annuais will stand almost any amount of sun or bad weather, and wiil pro- vide a sheet of color throughout the. summe r. on J.hsoms ... Hf yovm dealier commot homé as end we wiIU deliver promupfly. crater of Jialeàkula, Ixas been aclded Iey and Haleakal to the, Canadian Pacific's 'rgam Iad.feada of ail-inclusive tours, to the .Pacýific individual action.i nnr a ya . a ,i Oahu, a day at Irive to lao Val- as the highspot, if days free for Honolul.